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发布时间:2018-01-23 11:57

  本文关键词: 自动测试系统 功率容限 多载波 射频功率放大器 VISA 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来国内通信系统保持着持续、快速的发展,其网络规模、用户数量、业务总量都呈现出飞跃式的增长。无论是新制式通信方案的提出,还是多载波技术在现有通信网络中的普及,都对整个通信系统中的各组成部分提出了更高的要求,而无源器件作为其中不可或缺的重要组成部分也越来越受到人们的关注。在多信道的无线发射、接收系统中,大量射频能量的传输使得无源器件承受的功率负荷越来越大,而当器件功率承受能力不足时,极易对整个通信系统产生巨大的干扰,所以器件的功率容限成为了直接影响系统工作性能的至关重要的因素之一。为了保障系统的通信能力和质量,减少由器件所带来的干扰,对无源器件的功率容限测试就显得尤为重要。本文从实际需求出发,首先介绍了自动测试系统的概念与设计要求,其次对通信系统中无源器件功率容限对网络质量的影响进行了分析,基于此设计了一套性能完备的功率容限自动测试系统。该系统由测试硬件平台、PC机和测试软件平台等组成,系统中以PC机作为主控制单元,通过GPIB和LAN总线集成其他相关仪器设备,并实现仪器的程控、相关测试信号的生成、测试数据的处理、存储与反馈等功能。针对测试中使用的测试硬件平台,给出了完整、详细的设计与实现方案。在整个测试系统软件平台的搭建时,选用C++提供的MFC完成前端开发,并借助SQL Server搭建系统的后台数据库。整个测试系统采用模块化的设计思路,为用户提供了友好的人机交互。在保证测试功能完整的基础上,整体设计以简洁与操作简便为原则。测试的全部过程在自动测试软件的控制下实现了程序化、自动化与规范化。本文设计并实现的自动测试系统能够很好的完成无源器件在不同状态下的功率容限测试工作。该系统省去了传统测试过程中的大量人工操作,在提高了测量效率的同时还具备较高的测试精度和较好的扩展性。测试结果表明,系统工作性能稳定,实现了无源器件功率容限的自动化测试,完全满足设计需求。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the domestic communication system has maintained a sustained and rapid development, its network size, the number of users, the total volume of services are showing leapfrog growth, regardless of the proposed new communication scheme. Or the popularity of multicarrier technology in the existing communication network, all of the components of the entire communication system put forward higher requirements. As an indispensable part of passive devices, passive devices have attracted more and more attention in multi-channel wireless transmission and receiving systems. The transmission of a large amount of RF energy makes the passive devices bear more and more power load. However, when the power capacity of the devices is insufficient, it is easy to cause huge interference to the whole communication system. Therefore, the power tolerance of the device has become one of the most important factors that directly affect the performance of the system. In order to ensure the communication ability and quality of the system, the interference caused by the device is reduced. It is very important to test the power tolerance of passive devices. In this paper, the concept and design requirements of automatic test system are introduced based on the actual requirements. Secondly, the influence of passive device power tolerance on network quality is analyzed. Based on this, an automatic power tolerance test system with complete performance is designed. PC and test software platform are composed of PC as the main control unit, and other related instruments are integrated by GPIB and LAN bus, and the program control of the instrument is realized. Related test signal generation, test data processing, storage and feedback functions. For the test hardware platform used in the test, given the integrity. Detailed design and implementation scheme. In the whole testing system software platform construction, choose C to provide the MFC to complete the front-end development. And with the help of SQL Server to build the background database of the system. The whole test system adopts the modular design idea, provides friendly man-machine interaction for users, and on the basis of ensuring the integrity of the testing function. The whole design is simple and easy to operate. The whole process of test is programmed under the control of automatic test software. Automation and standardization. The automatic test system designed and implemented in this paper can accomplish the power tolerance testing of passive devices in different states. This system eliminates a lot of manual operation in the traditional testing process. The test results show that the system has stable performance and realizes the automatic test of passive device power tolerance. Fully meet the design requirements.


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