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发布时间:2018-01-29 13:52

  本文关键词: 隔离开关 状态监测 专家系统 故障诊断 状态检修 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The isolating switch in power system, namely knife brake, is an important electrical equipment in power system. The electric knife brake of substation is mostly outdoor type, because its mechanical transmission mechanism is exposed directly to the air and is exposed to the sun and rain. Affected by the environment, usually less times of operation, shaft pin, bearing and other parts of the transmission lack of lubrication and relative movement, running for a period of time, often will appear transmission mechanism corrosion. The long-term operation will cause rotation angle loss of the isolating switch transmission rod, resulting in the opening and closing of the switch is not in place, easy to cause poor contact between the isolator and the switch. With the corrosion of transmission mechanism and serious jam, it will lead to the isolation switch can not open and close operation, not only the isolation switch refuse to close, refuse to separate, drive mechanism fracture and so on. Also may cause the porcelain bottle to produce the crack, even breaks. For example, the "4.10" event of a 500kV substation in Guangdong Power Grid and the "4.11" event of a 500kV substation. All of them are due to the lack of technical monitoring means for the hidden trouble of the knife brake, so that the hidden trouble of the knife brake can not be found in time, and the defective knife brake has not been regularly overhauled and eliminated, which leads to the electric power safety event. In addition, in addition to the problems in the mechanical transmission mechanism mentioned above, it is also faced with the insensitivity of the stroke switch of the electric operating mechanism and the tooth breaking of the transmission gear. The improper maintenance and adjustment of the mechanism, the internal fault of the motor and the lack of the power supply will bring about the phenomenon of the disconnecting switch and the unsteady operation of the switch, which will cause great difficulties to the operation and maintenance of the equipment. The system can not meet the requirements of safe operation. At present, there have been a lot of research results on condition monitoring and condition maintenance for transformer, circuit breaker and capacitive equipment in substation. In order to detect and judge the abnormal defects of the disconnector effectively and ensure the reliability of the normal switching operation of the disconnector. There is an urgent need to monitor and warn the condition of the mechanical transmission mechanism and the electric operating mechanism of the disconnector. Based on this, the paper intends to study and apply the condition monitoring and warning system of the electric knife brake. The dynamic data of fault characteristic quantity which can reflect the information of abnormal defect of isolating switch and the static data such as operation overhaul and bookkeeping of isolating switch will be realized. Through the long-term monitoring of the state data, and compared with the state data in the normal working state and abnormal fault condition of the disconnector. By analyzing the change trend of the state data of the disconnector, the trend of fault development can be predicted, and finally the condition maintenance of the disconnector can be realized. That is to make the active maintenance decision before the fault of the isolating switch will occur, to ensure its health level, to effectively prevent the emergency problem which can not be opened or closed normally in the operation of the isolator switch, and to cause the operation time of the switch to be prolonged. Even equipment failure, to the security and stability of the grid operation threat.


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