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发布时间:2018-02-07 15:31

  本文关键词: 振动 能量收集 压电陶瓷 DC-DC变换电路 压电悬臂梁 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of low power and wireless sensor equipment, the power supply system more and more attention. The vibration energy collection as a typical field of micro energy harvesting can solve the problem of power supply and low power equipment. The good piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting system due to its simple structure, easy installation, no need to provide power, no electromagnetic interference and other advantages, especially suitable for low power sensor and is not easy to replace the battery low power equipment power supply. Therefore, this paper studies in piezoelectric transducer based on the device structure design of piezoelectric cantilever beam energy conversion device, four kinds of vibration energy collection circuit simulation analysis of different. And the contrast of the theory; secondly, the energy transformation and storage circuit design; finally the vibration energy harvesting system test. Specifically, the main contents include: 1. The vibration model of piezoelectric ceramics, based on the modal functions, further infer the best position of piezoelectric ceramic paste made of piezoelectric cantilever beam. At the same time, making the piezoelectric cantilever structure, combining simulation and experimental test, the different frequencies of piezoelectric cantilever Liang Fa power, pave the way from.2. the theoretical analysis and simulation test point for subsequent collecting and processing circuit, and Study on four kinds of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting circuit, discussed their respective theoretical power and external factors on the ability of power, then the simulation test, get the specific parameters of each collection circuit generating capacity. Finally, a comparison of the four circuit to determine the basis of power generation capacity, the advantages and disadvantages of.3. in energy collecting circuit added on the DC-DC transform circuit, the collected power storage circuit can satisfy the follow-up work requirements, then design the charging tube The processing circuit, will collect the electric energy collection circuit can be stored in a storage device in.4. system test and simulation, in particular vibration frequency, in this design of the vibration energy harvesting system and the design of LTC3588-1 IC Linear Technology Corporation energy harvesting energy collection system test and simulation, this paper determines the capacity of energy collection in the system, and analyze the test results.



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