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发布时间:2018-02-14 02:54

  本文关键词: 人口密度 屋顶面积 回归分析 可用屋顶面积 地图发布 出处:《中国矿业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:太阳能光伏电池技术日趋成熟,已成为技术上可行的大规模可持续能源的主要来源之一。屋顶太阳能光伏潜力评估不仅对于实际项目中的能源设计和规划具有重要的指导作用,也为屋顶太阳能光伏部署决策提供支持,对可容纳电网容量和制定未来适应性政策等具有重要的现实意义。针对目前国内缺乏对于大范围区域内建筑物具体潜力精准量化分析的缺陷,提出屋顶太阳能光伏潜力评估的研究。本文经李松年老师指导,利用GIS和ENVI技术,通过提取样本区建筑物轮廓,获取样本区屋顶面积,推导人口与屋顶面积的关系。采用徐州市屋顶太阳能光伏潜力评估流程:在对徐州市进行区域划分的基础上,利用ENVI软件提取样区屋顶面积,推导出屋顶面积与人口关系,计算出可用总屋顶面积,利用Arc GIS评估屋顶上太阳能辐射,最后将太阳能转换为功率和能量输出,从而进行屋顶太阳能光伏潜力评估,此评估方法适合大区域屋顶太阳能光伏部署决策支持,所研究的方法流程也适用于中国其他具有相似住房结构的城市,本文得到的结论如下:(1)屋顶面积与人口关系及可用屋顶面积。根据徐州市乡镇和城区样本区屋顶面积与人口散点图,进行回归分析,得到两者之间为三次关系,结合徐州市人口数据,得到徐州市屋顶面积为8.4×108 m2。根据可用屋顶面积比例,得到可用于光伏部署的屋顶面积为1.0×108 m2。(2)屋顶太阳能光伏潜力评估与减排效果。如果屋顶使用单结晶硅太阳能光伏板,每年可产生能量27480 GWh,可满足徐州86.3%的用电量,同时可以减少煤炭使用量10992 kt,减少二氧化碳排放量27397 kt,二氧化硫824 kt,氮氧化物412 kt,粉尘7475 kt;。(3)徐州市屋顶太阳能光伏发电量分布及地图发布。绘制徐州市屋顶太阳能光伏发电量分布图,根据分布图我们看出徐州市主城区(泉山区,云龙区,鼓楼区)以及个别地理单元屋顶太阳能发电量相对较高,大部分城区的地理单元以及小部分乡镇地理单元发电量次之,而大部分位于乡镇区的以及小部分城区的地理单元水平最低。利用Geo Server和HTML技术将各地理单元光伏发电量及减排结果发布到网上。
[Abstract]:Solar photovoltaic cell technology is becoming more and more mature and has become one of the main sources of sustainable energy on a large scale and technically feasible. The assessment of solar photovoltaic potential on roof not only plays an important guiding role in energy design and planning in practical projects. It also provides support for solar photovoltaic deployment decisions on the roof, It is of great practical significance to accommodate the capacity of the power grid and to formulate future adaptive policies. In view of the lack of accurate quantitative analysis of the specific potential of buildings in a large area in our country at present, This paper, under the guidance of teacher Li Songnian and using GIS and ENVI technology, obtains the roof area of the sample area by extracting the outline of the building in the sample area. The relationship between population and roof area is deduced. The evaluation flow of solar photovoltaic potential on the roof of Xuzhou City is adopted. Based on the regional division of Xuzhou City, the roof area of the sample area is extracted by using ENVI software, and the relationship between roof area and population is deduced. The total available roof area is calculated, the solar radiation on the roof is evaluated by Arc GIS, the solar energy is converted into power and energy output, and the solar photovoltaic potential of the roof is evaluated. This evaluation method is suitable for decision support of solar photovoltaic deployment in large area roof, and the method flow is also suitable for other cities with similar housing structure in China. The conclusion of this paper is as follows: (1) the relationship between roof area and population and usable roof area. According to the roof area and population scatter plot of the sample area of town and town in Xuzhou City, the regression analysis shows that the relationship between them is three times. According to the population data of Xuzhou City, the roof area of Xuzhou City is 8.4 脳 108m2. According to the ratio of usable roof area, The potential assessment and emission reduction effect of solar photovoltaic on the roof are obtained. If the single crystal silicon solar photovoltaic panel is used on the roof, 27480 GWhs of energy can be generated every year, which can satisfy the electricity consumption of Xuzhou 86.3%. At the same time, the use of coal can be reduced by 10992 kt, the emission of carbon dioxide by 27397 kt, sulfur dioxide by 824 kt, nitrogen oxide by 412kt, dust by 7475kt / t.) the distribution and map of solar photovoltaic power generation on the roof of Xuzhou City are drawn. Photovoltaic power distribution map, According to the distribution map, we can see that the main urban area of Xuzhou City (Quanshan District, Yunlong District, Gulou District) and individual geographical units have relatively high solar power generation on the roof, and the geographic units of most urban areas and a small part of township geographical units have the second place. Geo Server and HTML technology are used to publish the photovoltaic power generation and emission reduction results of the various cubicle units on the Internet, while most of them are located in the township areas and a small part of the urban areas have the lowest level of geographical units.


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