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发布时间:2018-02-15 06:11

  本文关键词: 忆阻器 人工神经网络 可编程 神经元 霍普菲尔德 出处:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, because of its resistive memory storage function, threshold features, low power consumption, A number of advantages, such as simplicity of structure, have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world. The typical memory device structure is a sandwich structure: the upper and lower layers are conductive metal layers, which act as two electrodes connected to the outside world. It is usually a transition metal oxide material. A typical memory device has three processes at work: the electrical forming process, the setting process, the reset process, and the reset process. The so-called FORMING refers to the function of a memory device to achieve high and low resistive state switching. It is necessary to perform an operation on the material to excite the resistive material before which the device has the normal characteristic of amnesia. The so-called "SET" refers to the process of the transition from the high resistance state to the low resistance state (LRS). The so-called RESET refers to the transition of the resistive device from a low resistance state to a high resistance state. The polarity of the applied SET voltage and the RESET voltage is divided. If SET and RESET voltage are the same polarity, this is unipolar resistor, if different polarity, This is the bipolar resistor. The resistive value of the resistor can be changed by the external programming voltage or the programming current. It is because of these remarkable characteristics that the resistor is widely used in memory, digital circuit, Chaotic circuits and artificial neural networks. This paper mainly discusses the application of amnesia in the field of artificial neural networks. A programmable neuron circuit for simulating biological neurons and a discrete Hopfield neural network circuit based on it are proposed. In this paper, two novel neural circuits based on amnesia are proposed. Is to carry out an analysis of the working principle, Then the structure of the designed circuit is introduced in detail, and the structure is simulated by Cadence software to verify whether the function of the structure is correct. Finally, the discrete Hopfield network circuit is built through the board circuit. Combined with FPGA and other auxiliary tools, the test work of the board level circuit is carried out, and the simulation results and the test results are compared, and the feasibility of the actual design process is verified, regardless of the Cadence simulation results, The test results show that the designed circuit function is correct and has the feasibility of integrated implementation. It has a good guiding significance for the hardware implementation of artificial neural network.


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