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发布时间:2018-02-16 14:46

  本文关键词: 变速恒频 变流器 控制策略 爬山算法 间接电流控制 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As everyone knows, the wind everywhere, at any time, and will not disappear with the passage of time, so the wind power is a kind of renewable energy, has a potential value immeasurable. Therefore the construction of large capacity of large-scale wind power generation system or wind farm is very necessary. The random progress of science and technology, a variety of wind power system completed and put into production and operation, in the wind power generation model of VSCF system has been recognized by the people, will gradually replace the existing power generation systems and become a leader. The low speed PMSG direct drive wind power system, no gearbox, improve the reliability of the unit, to reduce the noise. The motor rotor is a permanent magnet structure, not necessary to use the excitation power for excitation, so the high work efficiency, long service life, light weight. Therefore, direct drive wind power system has become the future development trend of wind power One. This paper is based on the research of many scholars on the control strategy of direct drive wind power converter system and its corresponding are studied. The main work done in this task are summarized as follows: a comparative analysis of different types of wind power system, summarizes several commonly used wind power system, generator type their topological structure and the quantitative comparison is given, these types of wind power system with the same and different points, advantages and disadvantages of each other and the scope of application, discusses the development trend of the fan and the focus in the future. These work and experience has a very high reference value you can choose, as later generations or study of wind power system. In order to study the characteristics of wind power generation system and the performance of wind power system design is verified. This thesis of wind turbine Each block are analyzed comprehensively, with the help of various reference derived mathematical formulas of each component, the mathematical formula such as wind speed, permanent magnet synchronous generator in all forms of mathematical formula, finishing device and inverter. The mathematical formula of 1.2MW converter in direct drive VSCF wind the electric system is studied, a method is presented and the system of inverter converter topology using diode rectifier + boost chopper circuit +SVPWM inverter circuit. On the original single Boost boost converter circuit is improved and proposed multiple parallel boost converter circuit. The equation of state and control strategy of the system is given, and the circuit input current ripple is analyzed. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of several typical modulation algorithm, which is based The maximum power point to the wind turbine power curve tracking control, maximum power point tracking control based on optimal tip speed ratio, maximum power point tracking control and optimal torque control of maximum power point tracking control and search in the original search algorithm based on a novel hill-climbing algorithm based on the original mountain climbing algorithm, improves the search speed and accuracy of maximum power. This paper studies the inverter indirect current control method and direct current control scheme, this paper combined with the characteristics of 1.2WM direct drive wind power system with direct current control strategy of grid side inverter. At the end, in the Matlab program the program of control algorithm and set up various parts of wind turbine model, verified the feasibility of the converter and its control strategy. The results of table Ming: the system can run steadily, with high efficiency and small ripple. It meets the requirements of the wind power system for voltage stability, and has a good practical application value.



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