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发布时间:2018-02-19 17:48

  本文关键词: 直驱永磁同步发电机 稳态解 多解 定子电流定向 定子电压定向 有功调度 出处:《电力系统自动化》2014年19期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem that the steady-state constraint of PMSG is indeterminate equations when the reactive power of PMSG converter is unknown, it is necessary to supplement the boundary conditions to obtain the unique solution. In this paper, a steady-state solution algorithm based on stator current or stator voltage oriented constraint is established. It is found that due to the directional constraint can not reflect the machine side reactive power balance, the calculation results under the two orientations are inconsistent, and the active power scheduling is further considered. The PMSG steady-state solution algorithm is established by using rotational speed adjustment or pitch angle adjustment under two directional constraints respectively. The calculation results show that the generator has less active power loss and higher electromechanical energy conversion efficiency when stator current orientation is directed. With the increase of wind speed, the energy conversion efficiency of the generator decreases and the efficiency increases when the stator voltage is oriented, and the rotor speed deviates from the optimal speed or increases the pitch angle. The active power scheduling of PMSG can be realized, but the conversion efficiency of electromechanical energy is different. When the pitch angle is adjusted, the speed of convergence is faster than that of rotational speed.
【作者单位】: 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院;


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