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发布时间:2018-02-24 11:14

  本文关键词: 真空电弧 扩散过程 纵向磁场 模型 仿真 出处:《中国电机工程学报》2014年36期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:研究大电流真空电弧形态和等离子体参数的演变过程对于进一步理解真空电弧具有重要意义。该文采用Ansys计算分析了真空灭弧室中杯状电极和1/3匝线圈电极间的纵向磁场。分别计算了在峰值时刻,电弧初始扩散2ms内电极间的纵向磁场分布。计算结果表明,杯状电极间纵磁呈钟形分布而线圈式电极类似马鞍形分布。在电弧初始扩散阶段,电极间纵向磁场很弱,纵磁随时间增大。利用以上磁场分布,对两种大容量电极进行磁流体建模和仿真,在大开断电流条件下,与杯状电极比较,线圈电极沿径向扩散更明显。随着电弧的扩散,电流密度的分布更加均匀,离子温度最大值由阳极中心转移到弧柱边沿,电子温度在整个电弧中趋于3e V。将仿真结果与弧柱图像作对比,计算光强的变化与弧柱亮度变化一致。
[Abstract]:It is important to study the evolution process of high current vacuum arc shape and plasma parameters for further understanding of vacuum arc. In this paper, Ansys calculation is used to analyze the relationship between cup electrode and 1/3 coil electrode in vacuum interrupter. The longitudinal magnetic field has been calculated at the peak time, The longitudinal magnetic field distribution between electrodes within 2ms of initial arc diffusion. The calculated results show that the longitudinal magnetic field between cup electrodes is bell-shaped and the coil electrode is similar to saddle distribution. During the initial diffusion of arc, the longitudinal magnetic field between electrodes is very weak. The longitudinal magnetic field increases with time. Using the magnetic field distribution above, the magnetohydrodynamic modeling and simulation of two kinds of large capacity electrodes are carried out. Under the condition of large on-off current, the coil electrode diffuses more obviously along the radial direction than the cup electrode. With the diffusion of the arc, The distribution of current density is more uniform, the maximum ion temperature is transferred from the center of the anode to the edge of the arc column, and the electron temperature tends to 3e V in the whole arc. The simulation results are compared with the arc column image, and the calculated light intensity is consistent with the brightness change of the arc column.
【作者单位】: 电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室(西安交通大学);
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(50907045,51221005,51325705) 电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室基金资助(EIPE14130)~~


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