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发布时间:2018-02-26 06:32

  本文关键词: RTV硅橡胶涂料 绝缘子 爆炸 碎块飞散距离 出处:《爆破》2014年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:在高压输变电线路中,目前广泛应用的绝缘子时常由于各种故障而发生爆炸,飞溅的绝缘子碎片由于飞溅的距离过远而对周围的设备及人员具有一定的杀伤破坏效应。拟采用在绝缘子套管外表面喷涂一层新型RTV(Room Temperature Vulcanizing)材料的方法来减小碎块飞散的距离。对裸瓷套管及喷涂不同厚度的RTV材料时的绝缘子在相同当量炸药爆炸时的破碎特性进行了实验研究,结果显示:喷涂RTV涂层时瓷套管爆炸后碎块尺寸变大,碎块数量减少,飞散距离明显缩短,而且随着涂层厚度的增大,碎块最大飞散距离也减小。
[Abstract]:In high-voltage transmission and transformation lines, insulators, which are widely used at present, often explode because of various faults. The spattered insulator fragments have a certain killing and destroying effect on the equipment and personnel around because of the distance of the splashes. A new type of RTV(Room Temperature Vulcanizing material is proposed to be sprayed on the outer surface of the insulator casing to reduce the fragmentation. The breakage characteristics of the insulators in the same equivalent explosive explosion were studied experimentally when the bare porcelain sleeve tube and the insulator sprayed with different thickness of RTV material were used in the explosion of the same equivalent explosive. The results show that when RTV coating is sprayed, the fragment size becomes larger, the number of fragments decreases, the flying distance is shortened obviously, and the maximum flying distance decreases with the increase of coating thickness.
【作者单位】: 广东电网公司佛山供电局;


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