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发布时间:2018-03-01 07:26

  本文关键词: 封闭差动 行星传动 均载特性 齿圈柔性结构 可靠性 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:封闭差动行星齿轮传动因其良好的传动特点而被广泛应用于风电、航空航天、汽车和矿山装备等领域。科学技术的发展促进了行星传动朝着“高、精、尖”的方向发展,对行星齿轮传动的研究不断深入,新的结构以及系统动力学特性成为研究热点。对封闭差动行星齿轮箱而言,制造安装等误差不可避免地导致行星轮间载荷分配不均,对其动态特性和可靠性有重要影响。因此如何均匀地分配载荷以及提高传动的可靠性一直是学者们研究的重要课题。本文针对封闭差动行星齿轮箱制造安装误差具有的随机性,采用Monte Carlo法对2.05MW风力发电机组封闭差动主增速箱进行静态和动态均载性能的研究,并由理论分析和试验研究相互验证,提出了一种齿圈柔性均载结构,探讨了封闭差动行星系统的可靠性。本文的研究成果可以为封闭差动行星传动实际应用提供一定的技术指导,对发展有效均载、高可靠性的封闭差动行星传动具有重要的科学意义和工程应用价值。本文共分为七章,各章节的主要研究内容如下:第一章阐述了本文的研究背景,围绕行星齿轮传动静态和动态均载的研究,综述了中心轮浮动、柔性销轴和柔性齿圈均载的研究现状,总结了封闭差动行星传动均载和可靠性的研究成果,概括了全文的研究内容及研究意义。第二章根据封闭差动行星齿轮传动的特点,针对制造安装误差具有的随机性,运用Monte Carlo方法建立了封闭差动行星传动系统误差随机重复抽样静力学均载模型,探索封闭差动级均载系数及太阳轮浮动量的概率分布,进行了齿厚公差带、偏心和安装误差带对封闭级和差动级均载系数及太阳轮浮动量分布的敏感性分析。第三章对同时具有太阳轮浮动、柔性销轴和柔性内齿圈三种均载方法的封闭差动行星传动,运用Monte Carlo法建立了传动系统重复随机抽样动力学均载模型,研究了齿厚和偏心误差带对封闭级和差动级动态均载系数及太阳轮浮动量分布的影响,并同时对不均匀的行星轮载荷进行统计。第四章以具有上述三种均载方法的2.05MW风力发电机组封闭差动行星齿轮箱为试验对象,探索多种均载措施的封闭差动行星传动均载性能的特点,根据应变测试结果提出了均载系数的数据处理方法,研究了行星齿轮箱动态均载系数随工况载荷的变化趋势,分析统计了封闭级和差动级不同载荷下的平均均载系数及其标准差。第五章针对柔性内齿圈过柔则轮齿失效,过刚则均载较差的问题提出了一种改进的齿圈柔性均载结构,建立了齿圈柔性均载结构的零件和系统刚度模型。根据弹性开口销和螺栓的受力状况分析了零件的应力,以变形最大为目标函数,零件不失效为边界条件对齿轮箱差动级齿圈柔性结构进行优化,采用有限元正交模拟试验优化齿圈柔性均载结构参数,同时探究了各参数对系统柔性和零件应力的影响。第六章根据应力—强度分布干涉理论分别建立了行星传动系统重要零件的可靠度模型,基于行星传动是串并联混合的混联系统的特点和系统可靠性理论,推导出了封闭差动行星传动的系统可靠性模型,对封闭差动行星传动系统可靠度进行了计算。第七章对本文的研究内容进行了简要总结,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。本文采用理论分析、试验研究以及数值模拟三种方法,对封闭差动行星齿轮传动的均载特性进行了研究,结果表明通过控制行星轮制造和安装误差带,可以有效提高均载性能,本文提出的齿圈柔性均载结构有助于提高齿圈柔度和均载性能,从而达到提高系统可靠性的目的。
[Abstract]:Closed differential planetary gear transmission because of its good transmission characteristics and has been widely used in wind power, aerospace, automotive and mining equipment. The development of science and technology to promote the planetary drive towards the "high, fine, sharp direction of planetary gear continuously, and the new structure system dynamics has become a research hotspot. The closed differential planetary gear box, manufacturing and installation error inevitably lead to uneven distribution of load between planet gears, have important influence on the dynamic characteristics and reliability. So how to evenly to load and improve the transmission reliability of loading has been an important topic for scholars. This paper closed the differential planetary gear box manufacturing installation error is random, using the Monte Carlo method of 2.05MW wind turbine gearbox closed differential static and dynamic load of The study, by theoretical analysis and experimental research of mutual authentication, proposed a flexible ring gear load sharing structure, discusses the reliability of closed differential planetary systems. The results of this study can provide some technical guidance for the practical application of closed differential planetary transmission, the development of effective load, high closed differential planetary transmission the reliability has important scientific significance and engineering application value. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the main contents of each chapter are as follows: the first chapter elaborates the research background, research on planetary gear transmission of static and dynamic load balancing, summarizes the research status of flexible floating center wheel, a pin shaft and a flexible ring gear are herein, summarizes the research results of closed differential planetary transmission load and reliability, summarizes the research content and significance of this research. In the second chapter, according to the characteristics of closed differential planetary gear transmission, According to the random error installation is made, using the Monte Carlo method to establish the closed differential planetary gear system with random errors are repeated sampling static load model, explore the probability distribution of closed differential stage load coefficient and the sun wheel floating momentum, the tooth thickness tolerance zone, eccentricity and installation error of closed and differential level load coefficient and the sun wheel floating momentum distribution of sensitivity analysis. In the third chapter also has a sun wheel floating, flexible pin and flexible ring gear three load sharing method of closed differential planetary transmission, the use of Monte Carlo transmission system were established repeated random sampling dynamic load model, the tooth thickness and eccentric error band the load sharing coefficient and the sun wheel floating momentum distribution effect on closed and differential stage and dynamic, the statistics of the uneven planetary wheel load. In the fourth chapter, with the above three kinds of load 2.05MW wind turbine method of closed differential planetary gear box as the test object, explore the characteristics of closed differential planetary gear carrier are various measures of load performance, according to the results of strain test method is introduced to deal with the load sharing of data, study the change trend of planetary gear box dynamic load sharing coefficient with load, statistical analysis. The average level and closed differential stage under different load load sharing coefficient and standard deviation. The fifth chapter for the flexible ring gear tooth failure is too soft, too just contained the problem of poor presents an improved flexible ring gear load structure, the rigidity model of components and systems are flexible ring gear carrier structure. According to the situation of stress analysis of the elastic pin and bolt stress, deformation by maximizing the objective function parts do not fail as the boundary condition for the gear box of differential gear ring of flexible structure Optimization, simulation optimization of flexible ring gear load structure parameters by using the finite element orthogonal, and explore the effect of various parameters on the system flexibility and stress parts. In the sixth chapter, according to the stress strength distribution reliability model of the important parts of the planetary transmission system is established respectively based on the theory of interference, planetary transmission is a series parallel hybrid hybrid theory characteristics and system reliability of the system, deduces the system reliability model of closed differential planetary transmission, the closed differential planetary transmission system reliability is calculated. The seventh chapter of the research contents of this thesis are briefly summarized, and the future research work is prospected in this paper. By theoretical analysis, three methods experimental study and numerical simulation on load characteristics of closed differential planetary gear transmission is studied, the results show that the control of the planetary gear manufacture and installation error, can In order to improve the load sharing performance effectively, the gear ring flexible load sharing structure proposed in this paper is helpful to improve the flexibility and load sharing performance of gear ring, so as to achieve the purpose of improving system reliability.



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