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发布时间:2018-03-03 07:17

  本文选题:染料敏化太阳能电池 切入点:对电极 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:染料敏化太阳能电池由于其制做工艺简单、生产成本低廉、光电转换效率较高等优点而受到世界各国科学工作者的广泛关注。新型电极材料的开发为染料敏化太阳能电池光伏性能的提高、生产成本的降低以及实用型电池器件的开发提供了新的途径。本文研究的主要内容如下: 通过三元共聚的方法制备出比表面积高达1044m2/g的有序介孔碳,并将其制做成对电极应用于染料敏化太阳能电池。研究发现,相对于普通的碳黑对电极,有序介孔碳对电极由于具有更大的比表面积,因而能够为I3-的还原提供了更多的电化学催化活性面积。所以,采用有序介孔碳对电极的染料敏化太阳能电池的光伏性能远胜于基于普通碳黑对电极的电池的性能,其短路电流密度可以达到13.92mA cm-2,而其光电转换效率可以达到6.51%。并且,相对于传统的铂对电极,该有序介孔碳对电极的制做成本低廉,因而是一种高效廉价的新型对电极。 通过模板法制备出直径大约为100nm的聚吡咯米管,并将其自组装成厚度大约为180微米的柔性可弯曲的聚吡咯膜。由于该膜具有比较大的比表面积,具有一定的厚度且多孔易渗透,故将其做为对电极应用于染料敏化太阳能电池时,有利于电解液的渗透和13-的还原。采用该聚吡咯膜对电极的染料敏化太阳能电池的光电转换效率可以达到5.27%,相当于基于传统Pt/FTO刚性对电极的电池的效率的84%。 因为传统的染料敏化太阳能电池采用的染料的吸收限大约为750纳米,因此,所有能量小于1.65eV的光子均不可被利用,仅此一项的光能损失就高达50%以上。为了能够充分利用这一部分能量来提高电池的转换效率,我们首次提出了将中间带引入染料敏化太阳能电池这一设想。为了计算的方便,我们首先考查了基于二氧化钛中间带太阳能电池的极限理论效率。计算结果表明,当在二氧化钛的禁带中引入一个或两个中间带时,其极限效率可分别达到42%和50%。这为染料敏化太阳能电池的进一步发展提供了一个全新的途径。 采用水热法制备了微量钼掺杂的二氧化钛纳米晶薄膜做为光阳极应用于染料敏化太阳能电池。通过开路电压衰减测试和电化学阻抗谱测试发现,适量的钼掺杂有利于电子寿命的提高和电子传输,从而使电池器件的短路电流密度和光电转换效率均有大幅度的提高。当掺杂浓度为20ppm时,其光伏性能为最优。然而,微量掺杂对染料敏化太阳能电池的深层次的作用机理还有待进一步的研究。
[Abstract]:Dye-sensitized solar cells have the advantages of simple manufacturing process and low production cost. The high efficiency of photovoltaic conversion has attracted the attention of scientists all over the world. The development of new electrode materials has improved the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells. The reduction of production cost and the development of practical battery devices provide a new way. The main contents of this paper are as follows:. An ordered mesoporous carbon with a specific surface area of 1044m2 / g was prepared by terpolymer and used as a pair electrode for dye sensitized solar cells. Because the ordered mesoporous carbon pair electrode has a larger specific surface area, it can provide more electrochemical catalytic activity area for the reduction of I _ 3-. The photovoltaic performance of dye sensitized solar cells using ordered mesoporous carbon pair electrode is much better than that of conventional carbon black opposite electrode. The short-circuit current density can reach 13.92 Ma cm-2, and the photoelectric conversion efficiency can reach 6.51%. Compared with the conventional platinum counter electrode, the ordered mesoporous carbon pair electrode is a new type of counter electrode with high efficiency and low cost because of its low cost. A polypyrrole tube with a diameter of about 100 nm was prepared by template method and self-assembled into a flexible flexible bendable polypyrrole film about 180 渭 m thick. It has a certain thickness and is porous and permeable, so it is used as a counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cells. The photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the dye sensitized solar cell with this polypyrrole film can reach 5.27, which is equivalent to 84% of the efficiency of the battery based on the traditional Pt/FTO rigidity. Because traditional dye sensitized solar cells have a dye absorption limit of about 750 nanometers, all photons with energy less than 1.65 EV are not available. In order to make full use of this energy to improve the conversion efficiency of the cell, the idea of introducing the intermediate band into the dye sensitized solar cell is proposed for the first time. We first examine the limit theoretical efficiency of solar cells based on titanium dioxide intermediate band. The calculated results show that when one or two intermediate bands are introduced into the gap band of titanium dioxide, The ultimate efficiency can reach 42% and 50 respectively, which provides a new way for the further development of dye sensitized solar cells. Trace molybdenum doped TIO _ 2 nanocrystalline thin films were prepared by hydrothermal method as photoanode for dye sensitized solar cells. The proper amount of molybdenum doping is beneficial to the increase of electron lifetime and electron transmission, thus the short circuit current density and photoelectric conversion efficiency of the battery device are greatly improved. The photovoltaic performance is optimal when the doping concentration is 20 ppm. However, when the doping concentration is 20 ppm, the photovoltaic performance is optimal. The mechanism of micro-doping on dye-sensitized solar cells remains to be further studied.


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