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发布时间:2018-03-03 07:18

  本文选题:光纤光栅 切入点:架空输电线路 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:架空输电线路的不同形态的振动会引起严重的事故,影响了电网稳定和可靠的运行。所以要想建设坚强智能的电网,对于如何准确实时地监测架空输电线路的运动状态,是至关重要的。光纤布拉格光栅在近几年的发展极为迅速,它是一种无源器件,具有优良的应力响应特性。根据光纤布拉格光栅的应力特性可制成用于测量振动的传感器,具有电气绝缘、抗电磁干扰、体小质轻、高灵敏度、高精度以及可进行准分布式和分布式测量等诸多优点,因此在架空输电线路振动测量的应用上一定会有不错的前景。 本文基于光纤光栅振动传感解调方法,研究并设计了一套测量架空输电线路振动的系统,主要工作如下: 分析了电线振动测量的意义和三种振动测量的方法,通过对比选取了光学式振动测量方法。然后对光纤光栅的理论模型进行了详细的分析,得知温度和应力同时影响纤光栅波长的变化。同时,介绍了多种解调方案并详细的介绍了基于F-P可调滤波器解调法应用在振动测量上的具体原理,并分析了这些解调方案的优缺点,可以作为电线振动测量的参考方案。 针对原有的振动传感解调方案,提出基于2×2和3×3耦合器的解调方案。改进了原有的悬臂梁式振动传感器,并分析了传感器的具体安装地点以及原理;详细分析了解调系统的原理、PU算法,并对解调系统状态特性进行了仿真分析,得到了最大测量误差和最高测量精度时的系统状态。 用钢尺代替电线进行了单光栅振动测量实验,对实验数据和图形进行分析,得到了钢尺振动的基频;为了满足传感器多点测量的需要,同时进行了双光栅的振动测量实验,得出了测量电线振动所需要的波长解调图。
[Abstract]:Different forms of vibration of overhead transmission lines will cause serious accident, affect the grid stable and reliable operation. So we want to build strong smart grid, the motion state of how accurate real-time monitoring of overhead transmission lines, is very important. The fiber Prague grating in recent years of development is very rapid, it is a passive device has the characteristics of excellent stress response. According to the stress characteristics of fiber Prague grating sensor for measuring vibration can be made, with electrical insulation, anti electromagnetic interference, light weight, high sensitivity, high precision and can carry out many advantages of quasi distributed and distributed measurement, so there must be good the prospect of application in overhead transmission line vibration measurement.
Based on the method of fiber Bragg grating vibration sensing demodulation, a system for measuring the vibration of overhead transmission lines is studied and designed. The main work is as follows:
Analysis of the significance of wire vibration measurement and three kinds of vibration measurement, by comparing the selected measuring method of optical vibration. Then carried out a detailed analysis of the theoretical model of fiber grating, get the temperature and stress affected the change of wavelength of fiber grating. At the same time, introduced a variety of demodulation scheme and a detailed description of the F-P the adjustable principle in the application of vibration measurement based on filter demodulation method, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these demodulation scheme, can be used as a reference for the wire vibration measurement.
According to the original vibration sensor demodulation scheme, put forward 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 coupler demodulation scheme based on improved cantilever vibration sensor of the original, and analyses the specific location of the sensor and the principle of detailed analysis; understand the principle of regulating system PU algorithm, and the demodulation system state simulation analysis of the system state of the maximum measurement error and the highest measurement accuracy.
The single grating vibration measurement experiment using the ruler instead of wire, the experimental data and graphic analysis, the fundamental frequency of ruler vibration; in order to meet the needs of multi-point measurement sensor, and vibration measurement experiment of double grating, the wavelength demodulation figure required measurement of wire vibration.



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