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发布时间:2018-03-04 09:12

  本文选题:双余度 切入点:永磁同步电动机 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a subproject of the project "Dual-redundancy permanent magnet synchronous motor (DRPMSM) with low heat coupling and no electromagnetic coupling between phase windings" funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The design of insulation material for dual-redundancy permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is studied emphatically. Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is widely used in aerospace equipment because of its high power density, small size and good control performance. In precision guidance devices and other precision instruments, with the increasing demand for reliability and safety, the traditional permanent magnet motors are increasingly unable to meet this requirement. Although the redundant motor has good fault-tolerant performance, there are still many problems, such as the fault tolerant control is more complex, the efficiency of fault is low, The temperature rise of redundant motor has become a hot topic in recent years. It is very important to calculate the loss and analyze the temperature field of the residual motor to understand the temperature distribution and the optimum design of the motor. In this paper, a new type of double redundancy permanent magnet synchronous motor is used as the research object. According to the actual situation of the motor, the characteristics and applicability of different kinds of insulating materials are compared, and the materials of the insulation plate are selected. According to the characteristics of the concentrated winding, the reasonable simplification is made. The stator winding is modeled in fine detail. The equivalent model of each turn wire is arranged evenly in the stator slot, and the wire lacquer is equivalent to the impregnated wire as the insulation. The end windings are arranged in the same order as the inner windings in the slot. Compared with the traditional method, the stator windings are equivalent to a copper rod. It is more in line with the actual situation of winding the stator windings of the motor. When the DRPMSM has dual redundancy with rated load and single load with 0.7 times load, it is more suitable for the winding of the motor stator winding. The loss of each component under two operating conditions is calculated when the redundancy is working. Three dimensional steady state temperature distribution and heat flux distribution of key components are obtained under two working conditions. The characteristics and causes of temperature distribution of winding in slot are analyzed. The simulation results and experimental results are compared with the special structure of DRPMSM. The results show that the thermal coupling between the various phase windings is relatively low in DRPMSM. The heat insulation effect of the special parts of the motor is obvious and the analysis method is effective. Finally, the causes of the error between the experimental results and the simulation results are analyzed.


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