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发布时间:2018-03-05 14:34

  本文选题:智能 切入点:辅助系统 出处:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Intelligent auxiliary system is an important part of intelligent substation. In order to optimize the operation environment of substation and ensure the safe and reliable operation of substation, the auxiliary system has many new features such as numerous fields, wide coverage and large amount of information. The discrete management method of equipment monitoring can not meet the needs of intelligent substation management and development, so it is urgent to carry out comprehensive monitoring of auxiliary equipment. In order to improve the level of intensive management, the "big operation" system requires the control center to undertake remote operation and centralized monitoring of equipment, and to realize remote centralized monitoring of auxiliary information and comprehensive analysis of information, which can facilitate the control center to understand the substation operation status in time. Through remote operation and important alarm information linkage auxiliary equipment, auxiliary information comprehensive analysis, intelligent alarm, multi-dimensional display and other technical means, it can provide auxiliary check for the control center and shorten the time of dealing with accidents. At present, the research on intelligent auxiliary system of substation is mainly focused on the simple integration of subsystems in the station. With the promotion of the intensive management mode of the power grid company, There is an urgent need for in-depth study of the overall architecture of the auxiliary system, exploring and proposing practical and effective integrated solutions to the needs of optimizing the environment in the station and improving the operational and maintenance efficiency. In order to realize the flexible and configurable solution, this paper will deeply study the hardware and software architecture of the substation auxiliary system, and study the key technology in the system. Aiming at the need of the linkage in the intelligent assistant system, the advantages and disadvantages of different scripting languages are compared, and the solution based on LUA dynamic script is put forward. This thesis is a subtopic of substation environment monitoring system. The whole structure of auxiliary system is studied, and the unattended management of substation is operated stably. Security guards are of great significance.


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