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发布时间:2018-03-06 22:19

  本文选题:谐波相序 切入点:谐波电能 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of industrial technology, harmonic pollution in power network is becoming more and more serious. Passive filter and active filter are usually used to filter harmonic in power network. However, the harmonic voltage and current in the power network is also an energy, but its frequency is not the fundamental frequency used in the power network. The harmonic energy in the power network is extracted and utilized. This paper presents a method based on harmonic phase sequence characteristic and fundamental wave flux compensation principle. A new method of extracting three-phase harmonic energy by combining single-tuned filter circuit with three-phase transformer is proposed, in which the single-tuned filter circuit is connected in parallel with the filter circuit composed of the primary side of the transformer and the harmonic wave source of the power network. At the same time, the harmonic energy is extracted from the second side of the transformer. In the primary side of the three-phase transformer, the fundamental wave tuning circuit is connected in parallel, and the harmonic extraction circuit is short-circuited at the fundamental frequency. The capacitive fundamental current in the shunt single-tuned filter circuit can extract pure harmonic energy without taking the fundamental wave power. A transformer based on fundamental flux compensation is connected in series between the power grid and the filter circuit. It is used to improve the impedance of power grid harmonics, force more harmonic currents to flow into the filter circuit, and maximize harmonic extraction. Finally, a three-phase harmonic power extraction circuit model is constructed based on the previous research. The simulation model of three-phase harmonic power extraction circuit is constructed in MATLAB, and the fifth and seventh harmonic energy is extracted without the fundamental wave energy. The simulation results show that the method is correct and feasible in theory.


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