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发布时间:2018-03-06 23:00

  本文选题:空调室内机 切入点:室内气流组织 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people have higher and higher demands on the thermal comfort of air-conditioned rooms. The air supply rate and the air supply angle of the indoor unit directly determine the air conditioning performance and the thermal comfort of the air conditioning room. Therefore, through the simulation study of the indoor air flow field and the air flow organization of the air conditioning room under different air guide panel angles, It is of great practical significance to improve the performance of indoor air conditioning unit and improve the air quality of indoor environment. This paper combines the knowledge of computational fluid dynamics and makes use of CFD software to carry out the work of optimizing the angle of the air guide plate of the indoor air conditioning unit. The variation law of indoor air flow field, air supply volume and indoor airflow organization in air conditioning room under different air guide plate angles are studied, which provides theoretical guidance for the optimization design of air guide plate in indoor air conditioning unit. This paper mainly carried out two aspects of research: under the condition of heating and refrigeration, when the air guide plate of the indoor air conditioning unit is at different angles, through the 2D simulation of the flow field of the indoor unit, the variation law of the flow field and the air supply rate of the indoor unit are studied. The air supply volume and outlet velocity of the indoor unit are obtained at different angles of the air guide plate, and the air guide plate of the indoor unit is prepared for the 3D simulation of the indoor airflow organization in the air conditioning room under the condition of heating. When the air guide plate of the indoor unit of the air conditioning unit is at different angles, Through 3D simulation of indoor air flow organization in air conditioning room, the thermal comfort parameters such as indoor temperature field, velocity field and PMV value distribution are analyzed, and the variation law of comfort in air conditioning room is found out, and the best air flow organization form of room thermal comfort is found out. The results show that when the angle of air guide plate changes between 83 掳and 107 掳, the air supply rate of indoor unit decreases under heating condition, and when the angle of air guide plate changes between 39 掳and 71 掳under refrigeration condition, the air supply rate of indoor unit decreases with the change of air guide plate angle in the range of 83 掳to 107 掳, while that of air guide plate angle varies between 39 掳and 71 掳under refrigeration condition. The variation of the indoor air supply volume is a parabola trend with an opening down, and the maximum air supply volume will be reached at a certain angle in the middle. Under heating condition, with the increase of the angle of the air guide plate, the average value of the whole indoor PMV is decreasing. For the indoor air duct in this paper, when the air guide plate is about 88 掳, the average indoor PMV is about -0.9, which is the closest to zero (neutral), which can make the indoor environment comfortable in winter conditions obtain the best value.


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