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发布时间:2018-03-08 08:06

  本文选题:CVT公司 切入点:风力发电 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the demand for electricity in China is increasing and there is already a big gap. In view of this situation, our government has vigorously promoted the new energy industry. Because of its abundant resource reserves, wind power generation has low construction costs. Factors such as high operational efficiency have become the global leader in clean energy. In recent years, due to the rapid development of the domestic wind power market, wind power supporting enterprises have been attracting a springing up of wind power enterprises. As a result, the competitive situation of wind power generation supporting enterprises has deteriorated sharply. Therefore, the transformation of wind power related enterprises is imperative. From pure price competition to core value competition. CVT is a wholly foreign-owned wind power converter manufacturer. Like other wind power companies, CVT is faced with the problem that pipeline and its management concept imported from abroad can no longer adapt to the development of the domestic wind power market. In view of this problem, this paper aims at the actual situation of CVT Company. This paper makes a detailed analysis from various aspects of its operation, and puts forward that in order to solve this problem, we should invest our energy in developing wind power units that are most suitable for the wind resource conditions in China, so as to obtain their own technical barriers and establish effective strategic alliances in the supply chain. In order to adapt to the changing macro environment of wind power in China, CVT company should optimize its technical decision and supply chain, based on the new design layout of production workshop, and reduce the cost of logistics maintenance by optimizing the layout of new plant facilities. In order to improve the operation of the enterprise from the point of view of the whole operation process, so as to enhance the core competitiveness of CVT Company, maximize its profit and keep its leading position in the industry, this paper discusses the technical route and production optimization of CVT Company adapting to the wind power market in China. In the first chapter of this paper, the technical development of wind turbine, the logistics cost of wind power industry chain, the solution and CVT operation are introduced. This paper finds out the main problems facing CVT company at present: the direction of technical layout of CVT Company is not clear, and some aspects of supply chain of CVT Company can not adapt to the macro environment of wind power in our country very well. Then, in the second chapter, This paper compares the situation of wind power generation units with various technical routes in detail, and determines that direct-drive fan generators are more suitable for the future development of wind power generation in China by using scientific decision making method. For CVT, the direct drive fan generators are more suitable for the development of wind power generation in the future. It is imperative to develop and produce full-power converter of direct-drive fan in advance. Chapter three introduces the current situation of CVT itself to the current wind power industry chain in China: a large number of wind power enterprises pour in, Competition in wind power industry has become more intense, so in order to adapt to this fierce competition, enterprises can only increase their own added value by establishing strategic alliances and maximizing and reducing logistics costs. Chapter 4th of the paper proposes to build a workshop of a new assembly center. Combined with the current situation of wind power industry chain, the basic elements analysis and logistics analysis of CVT production base are carried out. The general layout scheme is obtained by analyzing the relationship between non-logistics units. Chapter 5th summarizes the research: on the basis of a large amount of data, the paper proposes to choose the technical route and establish the strategic alliance of wind power spare parts enterprises. Setting up a new assembly center can realize the operation optimization of CVT company adapting to the wind power market in China, or even realize the optimization of the whole industry chain of wind power generation, and promote the benign circle of wind power related enterprises in our country.


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