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发布时间:2018-03-10 13:49

  本文选题:智能型塑壳断路器智能脱扣器 切入点:微控制器 出处:《南京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The plastic case circuit breaker is used in low voltage distribution system to deal with serious overload, short circuit, overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, leakage and other faults caused by the fluctuation of the power network, which can cut off the circuit. The intelligent release is the core of the intelligent plastic case circuit breaker. It not only has the various protection functions of the ordinary release, but also has the real-time parameter display, the fault memory and the inquiry. Self-Diagnostic, Communication and other functions. This project is based on the first ARM #174Cortex-based NXP company in the world. The asymmetric digital signal controller (LPC4300) based on M4 and Cortex-M0 is used as microcontroller, the embedded real-time operating system 渭 C / OS-III of open source is used as the operating system of release, and the relevant power grid information is collected by hardware circuit. Microcontroller A / D converter for A / D conversion; based on 2FFT FFT fast Fourier transform is used to process sampling data; LCD real-time display of power grid voltage value design can real-time understand the power network situation, in the event of power grid failure, the release fast release, Protection of the whole power network and electrical equipment. This design adopts dual current transformer, measuring current transformer and energy, protection transformer separate, keystroke operation, LCD display mode, in addition to real-time measurement of current, Besides the protection functions such as overload protection, voltage, power and harmonic analysis can be measured, and power management can be realized. The intelligent release consists of power supply module, measurement module, A / D conversion module, MCU module, man-machine interface module, etc. The intelligent release is as independent as possible for the measurement and protection functions from hardware to software, from the two signals input of the transformer and the signal conditioning circuit to the measurement and protection functions of the MCU core.


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