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发布时间:2018-03-12 14:38

  本文选题:分布式电源 切入点:源网荷互动 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the increasingly serious problem of energy shortage and pollution, as well as the increasing power demand of users, the traditional power system has shown a lot of shortcomings. In this situation, all kinds of distributed power generation is clean, efficient and low cost. The advantages of renewable power are increasing in the whole power system, especially wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation. However, one of the most important characteristics of distributed generation is its randomness, which is difficult to predict. It will affect the security and stability of the power grid. As a result, the coordinated operation of source network in active distribution network emerges as the times require. The existing research on power grid interaction mainly shows in some local aspect of source network coordination or user-side interaction, and does not have a more accurate grasp of the coordinated operation of source network load on the whole. Moreover, an accurate and comprehensive index system has not been established to measure the interaction level of the whole system. This paper starts with the concept of coordinated operation of source network load, analyzes the flexibility characteristics of each side of power network and various interactive modes, and analyzes the overall connotation of coordinated operation of source network load, including the internal mechanism. On the basis of this, the index system of multi-objective coordinated operation of active distribution network source network is put forward, including power side, grid side, load side index and interactive level index, etc. Then the internal mechanism of active distribution network load coordination is studied, the mathematical analysis model of distributed generation, power network and flexible load is established, and the objective function of the existing optimization problem is improved. Finally, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the concrete example to obtain the implementation mechanism of the whole problem.


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