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发布时间:2018-03-12 14:42

  本文选题:高杆灯 切入点:对接 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:High rod lamps are widely used in public places, such as airports, ports, flyovers, stadiums, etc. Because of the advantages of convenient maintenance, low cost, short production time, etc. It has gradually become the mainstream lighting device for high rod lighting. There are two main problems in the existing docking technology of high lever lamp. First, the docking is not smooth and reliable; and secondly, the cable that rises and falls with the lamp disc. Steel cables may be clamped together in the process of lifting up and down inside the lampposts, which may cause the cable insulation cortex to be scratched, and therefore has a huge hidden danger of safety. In order to solve these two problems, this subject has consulted the relevant literature at home and abroad. Based on the investigation of the latest research results of the high rod lamp docking technology, a new design scheme of the lamp disc docking device is put forward, which can effectively improve the docking reliability by simplifying the light disc docking operation. In order to eliminate the hidden danger of electric safety, the mechanical structure design of the lifting type high lever lamp and disc docking device is described in detail by taking the way of the fixed cable and the electric current of the electrode docking. In the practical application, the mechanical structure design of the device is described in detail in this paper. The high rod lamp is most affected by the wind load, so the wind load analysis and calculation are carried out systematically according to the building structure load code, the high-rise structure design code and so on. Finally, this paper introduces the components of the hardware circuit, and carries on the software programming. After the above research, analysis, design, The author has made the prototype of the experiment. Through the experiment test, it is proved that the new docking scheme of the lifting high rod lamp is feasible, and it can completely meet the expected technical requirements. This has laid a solid foundation for the upgrading of the docking technology of the high-lever lamp.


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