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发布时间:2018-03-13 20:26

  本文选题:紫外成像法 切入点:电晕放电 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电气设备电晕放电会消耗电能,产生脉冲电磁波对无线电和高频通信产生干扰,其生成的气体还会使输变电设备表面发生腐蚀,从而降低设备的使用寿命。紫外成像法因具有方法简单、迅速、形象、直观地优点而得到推广和应用。然而,国内外研究人员由于在试验中所使用仪器、增益、距离、环境等多种因素,往往引起紫外放电测试结果的差异。 本文在人工气候试验室模拟了不同类型绝缘子放电,分析了仪器、增益、检测距离、视角等非设备故障缺陷因素对紫外检测的影响。研究表明:同一放电条件下,不同厂家、类型的仪器各自具有独特的成像规律和光子数计量特性;光子数随着增益的增大先增加,到达峰值后衰减,光子数与增益之间的关系要受到距离、放电强度的影响;光子数与距离之间也具有复杂的非线性关系,而且受到增益影响;紫外检测视角从正面到侧面,检测到的光子数基本相同。 本文也研究了复杂外绝缘环境条件下绝缘子放电紫外成像的特点,揭示了绝缘子在污秽、覆冰、淋雨时的成像规律和放电机理。研究发现:绝缘子在污秽条件下放电类型强度受湿度和污秽度影响明显,染污绝缘子的起晕电压降低明显;绝缘子在淋雨状态下起晕电压下降,有的放电点容易发生位移,淋雨时绝缘子伞群边际聚集的雨滴或雨帘会使电场发生畸变,易形成电弧,且有光子受雨水阻隔不能到达紫外成像仪致使光子数反而减少的现象;覆冰绝缘子放电受覆冰量影响显著,覆冰量越重,,冰凌桥接的机率越大,从而起晕电压降低,电弧更易形成。 根据绝缘子放电成像特点和光子数计量,把绝缘子放电分为起晕、稳定电晕、刷状放电、电弧放电四个阶段;基于数学形态法等相关图像处理技术,使用了“光斑面积”表征放电强度的特征参量,验证了其作为表征放电强度的可行性。 本文研究结果对完善紫外成像检测电晕规程和实际工程应用具有重要的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Corona discharge of electrical equipment will consume electric energy, produce pulse electromagnetic wave to interfere with radio and high frequency communication, and make the surface of transmission and transformer equipment corrode by the gas generated by the corona discharge. The ultraviolet imaging method has been popularized and applied because of its simple, rapid, visual and visual advantages. However, because of the instrument, gain and distance used in the experiment, the ultraviolet imaging method has been popularized and applied at home and abroad because of its advantages of simplicity, rapidity, image and intuition. Many factors, such as environment, often cause the difference of ultraviolet discharge test results. In this paper, different types of insulator discharge are simulated in the artificial climate laboratory, and the influence of non-equipment fault defect factors, such as instrument, gain, detection distance and angle of view, on UV detection is analyzed. The results show that: under the same discharge condition, different manufacturers, Each type of instrument has its own unique imaging law and photon number metrology characteristics, the photon number increases first with the increase of gain, and then attenuates after reaching the peak value, the relationship between photon number and gain is affected by distance and discharge intensity. There is also a complex nonlinear relationship between photon number and distance, which is affected by gain, and the number of photons detected is basically the same from front to side. In this paper, the characteristics of discharge ultraviolet imaging of insulators under complex external insulation environment are also studied, and it is revealed that insulators are polluted and iced. It is found that the intensity of discharge type of insulator is obviously affected by humidity and pollution degree, the corona voltage of contaminated insulator decreases obviously, and the corona voltage of insulator decreases under the condition of rain. Some of the discharge points are prone to displacements, the raindrops or rain curtains gathered at the edge of the insulator umbrella group in the rain will distort the electric field and easily form an electric arc, and there is a phenomenon that photons can not reach the ultraviolet imager by Rain Water and the number of photons will decrease instead. The discharge of icing insulator is significantly affected by the amount of ice. The heavier the amount of ice is, the greater the probability of bridging ice is, and the lower the corona voltage is, the easier the arc will form. According to the characteristics of insulator discharge imaging and photon number measurement, the insulator discharge is divided into four stages: halo, stable corona, brush discharge and arc discharge. The characteristic parameter of "spot area" is used to characterize the discharge intensity, and the feasibility of using it to characterize the discharge intensity is verified. The results of this paper have important reference value for improving the rules of corona detection by ultraviolet imaging and practical engineering application.


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