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发布时间:2018-03-15 21:51

  本文选题:智能电网 切入点:PSCP 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Smart grid is a fully automated power service network, which ensures the strength and self-healing of the grid by monitoring every node (including users) in the grid. The construction of smart grid has great economic and social significance. It will promote the development of intelligent community and intelligent city, promote the conversion of users in the role of electricity, and provide users with safe, fast and economical power service. And reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 802.11-based WLAN technology is an important part of smart grid communications technology, Can provide users with access to secure power network anytime, anywhere. Because most of the terminal equipment using WLAN technology is powered by batteries with limited energy and cost. To allow the user's terminal device to last longer without charging, It is necessary to have an effective WLAN energy-saving mechanism. The existing 802.11 standard energy-saving mechanism, such as PSM / AP SDN / PSMP, will exhibit the disadvantages of large dispatching overhead and insufficient energy-saving performance in the case of large-scale node dispatching in smart grid. Therefore, it is no longer applicable. In view of the balance between energy saving demand and dispatch overhead under the condition of smart grid, this paper proposes a new PSCP mechanism based on PSMP. This mechanism defines a new scheduling frame SPF and a dynamic AID adjustment policy. The scheduling frame includes SIM domain and Control domain AP filled in SIM domain to indicate the scheduling information of STA. By analyzing the SIM domain, we judge whether we calculate our sleep time in this scheduling, and this scheduling mode uses the uplink data and downlink data of STA to transmit in the same Su, thus avoiding the secondary wake-up of STA. Under certain conditions, the PSCP mechanism can further compress the SIM domain of SPF frames by using dynamic AID adjustment mechanism, which will greatly reduce the overhead of AP scheduling. At the same time, this paper proposes a WSN clustering mechanism which can be applied to smart grid. The mechanism uses the interactive results between nodes as the original data for the evaluation of trust value. The direct trust value is simply calculated by the node, and these direct trust values are sent to the Sink node. The total trust value is evaluated by the Sink node. Based on the total trust value evaluated, the blacklist of trust values is established to eliminate the low trust value node. Considering the residual energy of all nodes, the node with the best balance of trust value and residual energy value is selected as cluster head node. The clustering mechanism can save node cost and reduce energy consumption. At the same time to ensure network security and energy balance.


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