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发布时间:2018-03-18 20:38

  本文选题:项目管理 切入点:KJ企业 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:There are risks in any project, because there are always some uncertain factors in the project. No matter which stage the project goes to, there will always be risks at any time. After the risk occurs, it may bring problems to the project as well as opportunities for the project. The key is that it depends on the level of project risk management. With the development of society, information system has become an indispensable part of enterprise development. The number of development projects of enterprise information system is increasing rapidly. However, there are some problems such as low project success rate in the process of implementation, which has caused a lot of losses to enterprises. Effective project risk management can reduce the probability of occurrence of risk events. Project risk management has been an important aspect of project management knowledge. Information systems projects are more systematic and complex than other projects. Especially with the rapid development of the information industry, the larger the scale, the more complex the project and the more difficult it is to control the associated project risks. The risk management of the information system project has become the key to the success or failure of the project besides the software technology factors. Only through systematic and scientific risk management can the uncertainty of the information system project to the unknown results be reduced. And it can foreknow and avoid the loss caused by this kind of uncertainty in advance, and finally ensure the project goal is realized smoothly. How to analyze the risk factors of information system project and avoid the risk effectively, The success of the project is one of the main topics of software risk management. Based on the knowledge of project risk management, this paper aims at the specific situation of the development project of KJ enterprise information system. Identify and analyze the risk of the project deeply, find out the key factors that affect the project, and then work out the detailed risk response plan. Monitor the risk in time during the implementation of the project. Strive to reduce the probability of risk or reduce the risk of loss to the enterprise.


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