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发布时间:2018-03-22 00:39

  本文选题:微电网 切入点:Multi-Agent 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着世界经济的迅速发展,社会的不断进步,工业生产尤其是重工业生产迅速发展使得电力需求量逐渐增大,带动了传统大规模集中式电网的迅速发展。另一方面随着世界能源的日趋枯竭、环境的恶化,以光伏、风力为主的新能源和分布式能源引起了各国政府的普遍关注。随着分布式能源接入的规模和数量不断增加,越来越多的问题暴露出来。以分布式发电电源为主体的微电网系统逐渐发展起来成为近来研究的热点问题。 本文主要针对微电网的Multi-Agent体系进行架构设计,详细介绍了模式控制器结构设计、工作原理,引入了Energy-HUB作为微电网能量集散中枢和稳定控制单元。针对微电网的被动式离网工作模式进行了重点研究,主要针对微电网被动式离网模式切换过程进行了探讨。微电网的模式转换分为离网动作和以微源重组为主的网络资源重组两部分。由于被动式离网事件发生较为突然,模式切换过程要求时间较短。针对模式切换的整体动作本文以Petri网为核心通过读取状态元件表的方式实现对网络的操作。在针对资源重组的研究中本文综合考虑模式切换的快速性、经济性和稳定性对果蝇寻优算法和粒子群算法通过算例模型和实际数据对其进行仿真综合对比,最终发现果蝇算法更加实用于微电网的模式切换过程。最后本文对全天24个时段进行极限情况模式切换仿真,通过得到的各个Agent单元的重组方案结果可以看出包含分布式光伏和风力的微电网的经济实用价值较高。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy and the continuous progress of the society, the rapid development of industrial production, especially heavy industry, makes the demand for electricity increase gradually. Has driven the rapid development of traditional large-scale centralized power grid. On the other hand, as the world's energy is increasingly depleted, the environment is deteriorating, to photovoltaic, New and distributed sources of energy, mainly wind power, have attracted widespread attention from governments all over the world. With the increase in the scale and number of distributed energy access, More and more problems are exposed. The microgrid system with distributed generation source as the main body has gradually developed into a hot topic in recent research. In this paper, the Multi-Agent architecture of microgrid is designed, and the structure design and working principle of the mode controller are introduced in detail. Energy-HUB is introduced as the energy distribution center and stability control unit of microgrid. The passive off-grid operation mode of microgrid is studied in detail. This paper mainly discusses the switching process of passive off-grid mode in microgrid. The mode conversion of microgrid is divided into two parts: off-grid action and recombination of network resources, which are mainly composed of micro-source recombination. The mode switching process requires a short time. In this paper, the Petri net is used as the core to realize the operation of the network by reading the state element table. In the research of resource reorganization, this paper considers comprehensively the operation of the network. The rapidity of mode switching, The economics and stability of the optimization algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm of Drosophila were simulated and compared by the example model and the actual data. Finally, it is found that Drosophila algorithm is more applicable to the mode switching process of microgrid. The results of each Agent unit reorganization scheme show that the microgrid with distributed photovoltaic and wind power is of high economic and practical value.


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