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发布时间:2018-03-22 19:15

  本文选题:火力发电厂 切入点:循环水排污水 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着对环境保护要求的日趋严苛,火力发电厂废水排放的限制条件被不断提高。有效的污水深度处理和回收利用已成为电厂节水的重要方式。 科学技术的高速发展,社会生产的规模与水平在不断的提高,但是对于生产中产生的废水处理水平却相对的落后、滞后。我国本身人均水资源严重匮乏,空间时间上分配严重不均,而污水处理技术又相对滞后,导致本来就紧缺的水资源已提襟见肘。生产中产生的废水如何有效彻底的处理,甚至将其回用,已成为当今科研的重大发展方向。 本实验采用超滤与反渗透联合工艺处理循环冷却排污水,将出水作为锅炉补给水的原水。通过现场试验来验证超滤系统对于该循环排污水的耐受性、超滤与反渗透联合工艺的可行性,并确定超滤与反渗透系统的最佳工况。由实验结果对超滤系统的水利用率和反渗透的水回收率进行分析,对系统运行成本进行初步核算,以及利用本次实验的机会,由本次实验所得到的反渗透系统入水压力及与其相对应的除盐率情况来看,符合溶液扩散理论。 本课题通过动态模拟试验和现场试验对某电厂循环水排污水深度处理的关键技术进行了较深入研究,开展了同一水质条件下的循环水排污水氢氧化钠混凝澄清处理工艺和石灰混凝澄清处理工艺研究工作,研究出氢氧化钠处理技术特有的特点以及其与石灰混凝处理相比存在的异同点,形成循环水排污水氢氧化钠混凝澄清处理控制方法。同时针对该厂循环水排污水深度处理过程中出现的反渗透系统污堵问题开展了研究分析工作,,形成了循环水排污水深度处理等关键技术。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly stringent requirements for environmental protection, the limit conditions for waste water discharge from thermal power plants have been continuously raised. Effective advanced treatment and recycling of sewage has become an important way to save water in power plants. With the rapid development of science and technology, the scale and level of social production are constantly improving, but the level of wastewater treatment produced in production is relatively backward and lagging behind. The distribution of space and time is seriously uneven, and the sewage treatment technology is relatively lagged behind, resulting in the already scarce water resources being raised to the limit. How to treat the wastewater produced in production effectively and thoroughly, or even reuse it, Has become a major direction of development of scientific research today. In this experiment, the combined process of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis was used to treat the circulating cooling sewage, and the effluent was used as the raw water of the boiler recharge water. The tolerance of the ultrafiltration system to the circulating sewage was verified by field tests. The feasibility of the combined process of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis and the determination of the optimum operating conditions of the ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis system are determined. The water utilization ratio and the water recovery rate of reverse osmosis system are analyzed from the experimental results, and the operating cost of the system is preliminarily calculated. According to the pressure of reverse osmosis system and the desalination rate obtained from this experiment, the solution diffusion theory is fit for the solution diffusion theory. Through dynamic simulation test and field test, the key technology of advanced treatment of circulating water drainage wastewater in a power plant is studied in this paper. The process of sodium hydroxide coagulation clarification and lime coagulation clarification of circulating water drainage wastewater under the same water quality was carried out. The characteristics of sodium hydroxide treatment technology and its similarities and differences compared with lime coagulation treatment are studied. The control method of sodium hydroxide coagulation clarification treatment of circulating water drainage wastewater was formed. Meanwhile, the research and analysis work was carried out on the sewage plugging problem of reverse osmosis system in the advanced treatment process of circulating water drainage wastewater in this plant. Some key technologies, such as advanced treatment of circulating wastewater, are formed.


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