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发布时间:2018-03-23 07:21

  本文选题:智能断路器 切入点:过流保护 出处:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy and the continuous increase of electricity consumption, the demand for power supply quality and reliability is becoming higher and higher. However, the phenomenon of overcurrent is common in the power supply and power system, which can easily lead to accidents. As an important protective appliance widely used in power supply system, circuit breaker plays an irreplaceable role in over-current protection. Therefore, the overcurrent protection technology of intelligent plastic case circuit breaker is studied in this paper. Firstly, the development status of circuit breaker and the application status of over-current protection technology are introduced. The working principle of overcurrent protection for intelligent plastic case circuit breaker is described in detail. Secondly, the hardware circuit is designed, including current signal conversion circuit, single chip microcomputer and its peripheral circuit. Auxiliary circuits. The dynamic response time of current signal conversion circuit determines the characteristics of over-current protection, especially the response time under short-circuit current and the problem of misoperation under short-time over-current. Through the design, calculation and measurement of current signal conversion circuit, The current signal conversion circuit is simulated and measured, the related test results are analyzed and the error is calculated. The results show that the current signal conversion circuit meets the design requirements. Thirdly, the software program based on ATMEGA64 single chip computer is carried out. The application program of each function module is compiled by using the modular design idea. The output characteristics of the current transformer are deeply studied. MATLAB is used to fit the output characteristics of the current transformer, and the variation law is obtained. The saturation characteristic is compensated in the signal processing program, and the accuracy of current detection is improved. Finally, experiments on overload long delay protection, short circuit short delay protection and short circuit instantaneous protection are carried out. The experimental results show that the over-current protection of the designed circuit breaker meets the practical requirements.


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