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发布时间:2018-03-25 06:21

  本文选题:项目管理 切入点:质量管理 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,伴随着我国国民经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,全社会电力需求日益增大,对电力工业建设提出了挑战,为了实现我国电力工程建设的预期目标,国家启动的电力工程建设项目数量不断增多,规模也越发增大,而主管部门对电力工程项目的质量要求也不断提高。 工程项目质量管理不但直接决定着整个工程项目的成败,更关系到国家、人民的生命财产安全,而对于工程总承包单位来说,项目质量管理水平已经成为衡量一个企业是否具备核心竞争力的重要考量标准之一,企业只有不断增强项目质量管理意识,提高项目质量管理水平,才能在保证自身生存发展的同时,为国家电力工业建设作出应有的贡献,实现双赢。 然而,目前我国电力工程项目建设的管理模式和方法在许多方面还有许多不足之处,在实际操作过程当中,科学的项目质量管理思想的应用还处于试验阶段,与电力公司特点和电力工程建设项目实际需求紧密结合的质量管理方法,逐渐成为电力行业共同关注的研究课题之一 本文将根据平原林地环境下的电力施工特性,研究输电线路工程项目管理特点,通过对菏泽四海220kV输电工程项目案例的分析,将项目管理理论和方法与实际问题相结合,探求因地制宜的质量管理控制方法,为当前在建和未来新建项目提供科学的理论指导,实现提高质量的目的。 本文首先阐述了菏泽地区输电线路工程项目质量管理研究的选题背景、目的与意义,并对当前国内外对于质量管理的研究现状进行了总结;随后,文章对工程项目质量管理与控制的相关概念界定,并分别从工程质量管理的目标、流程、基本环节、方法和类型等方面对工程项目质量管理理论进行介绍,为下文进一步研究做出铺垫;文章第三部分,以菏泽四海220kV输电工程项目为例,对于项目质量管理的各个方面,诸如保证资源、组织职能、以及项目各个阶段质量管理工作进行分析,并对菏泽地区输电线路工程项目质量管理当中存在的问题进行了总结;最后,文章结合第三章的案例和所总结出的问题,对菏泽平原林地输电线路建设工程项目质量管理提出建议,全面提高质量管理水平,主要包括:优化项目分包队伍管理模式、强化项目质量通病监理与防治、运用现代信息监督控制技术,以及针对菏泽地区平原多树特性质量控制策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of our national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the whole society's electricity demand is increasing day by day, which has challenged the electric power industry construction, in order to realize the expected goal of our country's electric power engineering construction. The number and scale of the power engineering construction projects started by the state are increasing, and the quality requirements of the power engineering projects are also increasing. Project quality management not only directly determines the success or failure of the whole project, but also relates to the life and property safety of the country and the people. The level of project quality management has become one of the important criteria to measure whether an enterprise has core competitiveness. Enterprises only enhance the awareness of project quality management and improve the level of project quality management. In order to ensure their own survival and development, to make due contributions to the national electric power industry construction, and achieve win-win. However, there are still many deficiencies in the management mode and method of electric power project construction in our country at present. In the process of practical operation, the application of scientific project quality management thought is still in the experimental stage. The quality management method, which is closely combined with the characteristics of power companies and the actual demand of power engineering construction projects, has gradually become one of the common research topics of the power industry. According to the characteristics of electric power construction in plain woodland environment, this paper studies the project management characteristics of transmission line project, and combines the theory and method of project management with practical problems by analyzing the case of 220kV transmission project in Heze. This paper explores the methods of quality management and control according to local conditions to provide scientific theoretical guidance for current and future new projects and to achieve the purpose of improving quality. This paper first describes the background, purpose and significance of the research on quality management of transmission line project in Heze area, and summarizes the current research status of quality management at home and abroad. This paper defines the relevant concepts of project quality management and control, and introduces the theory of engineering project quality management from the aspects of project quality management objectives, processes, basic links, methods and types, etc. The third part of the article, taking the 220kV transmission project in Heze as an example, deals with all aspects of project quality management, such as ensuring resources, organizing functions, And the quality management of each stage of the project is analyzed, and the problems existing in the quality management of the transmission line project in Heze area are summarized. Finally, the paper combines the case of the third chapter and the problems summed up. The quality management of transmission line construction project in Heze Plain is put forward to improve the quality management level in an all-round way. It mainly includes: optimizing the management mode of project subcontracting team, strengthening the supervision and prevention of common quality problems of the project. The modern information supervisory control technology and the quality control strategy of multitree characteristics in Heze Plain are used.


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