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发布时间:2018-03-25 15:30

  本文选题:碳纸 切入点:三维复合材料 出处:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在环境污染严重能源紧缺的今天,世界各国都在寻求新的绿色能源。超级电容器因其充放电速度快、循环寿命长、环境污染少、节能、低成本等优点而具有广阔的应用前景,并引起了世界各国的广泛关注。高性能电极材料的制备一直是超级电容器的研究中心。碳材料因其比表面积大、孔隙结构优异、化学稳定性好等优点而一直是研究热点。如碳纳米管、石墨烯等,因其良好的导电性、大的比表面积、可控的孔结构等优点而备受研究者的喜爱。但因其是粉末结构,在制备电极时需加粘结剂,从而使其电化学性能受限。为进一步降低生产成本,提高电活性物质利用率,寻求一种低成本、自支撑的电极材料越来越迫切。 滤纸经过碳化得到的碳纸,不仅生产成本低廉、制备简单、能大规模生产,而且保持了自支撑的结构。本文以碳纸为基底,分别通过磷酸活化和低温空气活化制备了两类活性碳纸;以及通过苯胺原位化学聚合制备了三维聚苯胺/碳纸复合材料,系统地研究了相关实验条件对其电化学性能的影响。 具体工作主要包括以下三个方面的内容: 1.以900℃碳化的滤纸(FP)为原料,经过磷酸活化后得到一系列基于碳纸(CP)的活性碳材料。分别研究了活化温度以及磷酸浓度对其电化学电容性能的影响。实验结果显示,当磷酸浓度为0.3M,活化温度为900℃时得到的活性碳纸具有最佳的电化学电容性能。当充放电电流密度为0.5A/g时,其比电容量能达243.9F/g,在120A/g的大电流密度下,其比电容量仍能保持101.8F/g。在100A/g电流密度下,10000周期后,其比电容量稳定无衰减。 2.以900℃碳化的滤纸为原料,经过低温空气活化后,制备了一系列不同活化温度(450℃,470℃,490℃)的活性碳纸电极材料。电化学测试结果表明,当活化温度为490℃时,得到了最高的比电容(317.9F/g在0.5A/g),但在150A/g大的充放电电流密度下,比电容量仅有75.7F/g。而当活化温度为470℃时,虽其比电容量为296.4A/g,但在150A/g大的电流密度下,其比电容仍能保持66.2%(196.1F/g)。在100A/g电流密度下,10000周期后,其比电容量稳定无衰减。 3.以900℃碳化的滤纸作为基底,通过苯胺原位化学聚合在其上生长了聚苯胺(polyaniline)纳米线,从而制得了三维聚苯胺/碳纸复合纳米材料。实验结果表明,当苯胺与过硫酸铵的浓度分别为0.01M,0.0025M,硫酸浓度为1.5M时,制备的复合材料具有最佳的形貌结构和电化学电容性能。当充放电电流密度为0.1A/g时,其比电容量达1090.8F/g,,在其电流密度扩大100倍以后,其比电容仍能保持386.9F/g。同时,在10A/g电流密度下,1000周期后,其比电容量仅衰减16%。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, when the environment pollution is serious and energy is short, the countries all over the world are looking for new green energy. Supercapacitors have a broad application prospect because of their advantages such as fast charge and discharge speed, long cycle life, less environmental pollution, energy saving, low cost and so on. The preparation of high performance electrode materials has been the research center of supercapacitors. Carbon materials have excellent pore structure due to their large specific surface area. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene and so on have been a hot research topic for their good electrical conductivity, large specific surface area, controllable pore structure and so on. In order to further reduce the production cost and improve the utilization of electroactive substances, it is more and more urgent to find a kind of low cost and self-supporting electrode material in order to further reduce the production cost and improve the utilization rate of electroactive substances by adding binder to the electrode to limit its electrochemical performance. The carbon paper obtained by carbonization of filter paper not only has the advantages of low cost, simple preparation and large scale production, but also maintains a self-supporting structure. Two kinds of activated carbon paper were prepared by phosphoric acid activation and low temperature air activation, and three dimensional Polyaniline / carbon paper composites were prepared by in situ chemical polymerization of aniline. The specific work mainly includes the following three aspects:. 1. A series of activated carbon materials were prepared by phosphoric acid activation with carbonized filter paper FP1 at 900 鈩




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