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发布时间:2018-03-25 22:01

  本文选题:热电厂 切入点:锅炉烟气 出处:《科学技术创新》2017年24期

[Abstract]:With the development of China's industry, air pollution is becoming more and more serious, which has a great impact on people's lives. According to the investigation, about 60% of the pollution sources in China come from thermal power plants. Therefore, the treatment of boiler flue gas in power plants is an important part of air pollution control. However, there are still many defects in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in thermal power plants in China, such as the poor effect of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal, the lack of technical innovation and financial support, etc. These factors have seriously restricted the development of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in China. The present situation of flue gas desulphurization and dust removal engineering in thermal power plants in China is analyzed, and the current domestic desulfurization and dust removal technology is briefly introduced. Finally, some suggestions are provided for the development of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in thermal power plants in China.
【作者单位】: 伊春市特种设备检验研究所;


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