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发布时间:2018-03-26 03:26

  本文选题:燃料管理 切入点:B/S 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the strengthening of the consciousness of energy saving and environmental protection, the reform of breaking the monopoly in the electric power industry, all the situations have prompted the thermal power enterprises to have a good future. Therefore, how to occupy a place in such a fierce market competition? Besides, the energy situation in the world today is extremely serious, which is evident at home. Our government has begun to consciously reduce the proportion of thermal power in power generation enterprises. Therefore, how to solve the difficulties that may be faced in the future has become a problem that many domestic thermal power enterprises must solve. Many thermal power enterprises in the world have begun to introduce modern management information systems, whose original intention is to rationally allocate resources and rationalize the resource structure day by day, at the same time, reduce the operating costs of enterprises. In the thermal power industry, coal consumption accounts for almost half of the total loss. Therefore, the development of fuel management information system is helpful for the rational allocation of materials and materials for coal combustion in enterprises. This paper designs and develops the fuel management information system of Chengdu Jintang Thermal Power Plant of the State Power Company, aiming at realizing the material of coal burning from the beginning of purchasing. Through a series of processes, such as incoming inspection, weighing, weighing, weighing, removing impurities, sampling, quality inspection, inventory, settlement, statistical analysis, etc., to realize the construction of intelligence, automation, and data information of these processes, So that all the processes are within the scope of automatic monitoring, thus reducing the cost of procurement, reducing the use of funds, and achieving the goal of energy saving and consumption reduction in thermal power enterprises. Finally, the fuel material management information system of Chengdu Jintang Thermal Power Plant will be modernized, standardized, scientific and objective. The fuel management information system designed and developed in this paper is based on the principle of "practicality, economy, safety and reliability". The system architecture is developed by combining C / S and B / S mode, in which C / S mode is used to run, maintain and develop B / S mode for system report query and statistical display. Freight management, contract settlement management, metrological data management, encryption management, decoding management and statistical analysis are seven functional modules. The system test results show that the design system has good market application value and promotion value.


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