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发布时间:2018-03-27 19:11

  本文选题:云计算技术 切入点:模型融合 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of our society, the demand for electric power is increasing year by year. Power flow calculation plays an important role in the distribution network analysis and calculation, and in the actual production process, the distribution network power flow calculation plays an important role in the actual production process. Power flow calculation is the basis of optimal planning and operation analysis of distribution network. However, distribution system has many nodes and large scale, in order to meet the needs of building smart grid. It is urgent to develop a computing model to solve the power flow analysis of large-scale distribution system. With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, Combining cloud computing technology with power system analysis is an important research direction. Based on the research of cloud computing technology and the typical component model of distribution network, this paper aims at the characteristics of distribution network. The main work of applying cloud computing technology to power flow calculation of distribution network is as follows: the principle of cloud computing technology, its development status and its unique characteristics and advantages are introduced in depth. This paper probes into the difference and relation between cloud computing technology and other computing modes. According to the characteristics of software and hardware of distribution network and platform heterogeneity, this paper puts forward the heterogeneous model fusion of distribution network, using heterogeneous model fusion and cloud computing technology. The distribution network virtualization model center is built and the cloud platform of distribution network is constructed on this basis. According to the characteristics of electrical and topological characteristics of distribution network and transmission network, combined with the typical component model of distribution network and the characteristics of cloud platform. This paper presents an improved forward push-back generation power flow algorithm for distribution network based on cloud platform. The topology of distribution network structure is analyzed and the network is partitioned on this basis. According to the principle of relative balance of load and minimum communication loss between nodes, the distribution network is divided into I / R subnet, and in the process of forward and back generation, each subnet transmits and receives the updated current and voltage respectively through the tie line. In order to realize the interaction between subnets, based on C language and MPICH2 message passing interface, the program of power flow calculation for distribution network improvement based on cloud platform is written, and the calculation examples of 33-node and 292-node distribution network system are used to verify it. An example is given to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.


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