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发布时间:2018-03-28 02:40

  本文选题:电磁仿真 切入点:有限元 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, a small enclosed asynchronous motor as the research object, starting from the motor and motor heat dissipation structure, and heat loss through different parts of motor parameters on the motor, the calculation model and the experimental platform is built to study the motor steady-state and transient motor electromagnetic and temperature field finite element simulation of the temperature rise of the electromagnetic loss. The motor main heat source from the motor, this paper analyzes the motor iron loss and copper loss and mechanical loss in theory, and the calculation of the motor rotor copper loss and iron loss and the loss distribution by finite element analysis software MagNet simulation; motor cooling structure and environmental factors of the motor according to the heat, heat transfer and fluid mechanics theory, this paper focuses on the thermal conductivity of the motor stator slot, surface heat transfer coefficient 2D finite element analysis of the motor and the rotor of the Flow coefficient. In this paper, a model for the three-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor Y100L1-4 is analyzed and the electromagnetic simulation of temperature field calculation and comparison with experimental results. The simulation is mainly the analysis of finite element electromagnetic simulation software MagNet and ThermNet software based on the heat, first do some appropriate assumptions to establish two-dimensional electromagnetic motor simulation model, through the MagNet electromagnetic simulation of the motor, so as to calculate the electromagnetic loss and distribution of each part of the motor, and then as a source of ThermNet simulation, simulation of electromagnetic - thermal coupling based on set thermal parameters and boundary conditions of the motor. Finally through the simulation results of temperature field analysis of steady and transient motor temperature rise. The experiment is mainly to measure the temperature field of the motor and the heat source and the size of the motor steady-state, transient motor temperature rise, through the model and the simulation experiment of Mathematics The rationality of setting up the thermal performance parameters and the boundary conditions in the calculation is also reasonable. In addition, it is difficult to measure the temperature rise of the rotor of the motor. In this paper, a fitting method is proposed to calculate the steady-state temperature of the rotor of the motor.



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