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发布时间:2018-03-30 13:04

  本文选题:超级电容器 切入点:模板 出处:《安徽工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:超级电容器作为一种新型储能元件,具有循环寿命长、充电速度快和温度特性好等优点,广泛应用于军事、交通和通信领域。多孔炭(Porous carbons,PCs)和石墨烯具有比表面积高、孔隙结构发达和导电性优良等特点,是超级电容器最常用的电极材料。本文以煤沥青为碳源,采用模板法制备了富含中大孔结构的多孔炭和中空球形多孔石墨烯(Hollow spherical porous graphenes,HSPGs),通过氮吸脱附、X-光电子能谱、透射电镜、场发射扫描电镜等技术手段对PCs和HSPGs进行表征。采用恒流充放电、循环伏安法和交流阻抗谱考察了PC和HSPG超级电容器电化学性能。主要结论如下:以煤沥青为碳源,氢氧化钾为活化剂,九水硝酸铁为模板制备了富含中孔结构多孔炭。当煤沥青、九水硝酸铁和氢氧化钾的质量分别为4.2 g、16.8 g和6.0 g时,所制备的多孔炭PC4.2-16.8-6比表面积为1683 m2/g,总孔孔容和平均孔径分别为2.07 cm3/g和4.91 nm,其非微孔孔容达到79.2%。在0.05 A/g电流密度下,PC4.2-16.8-6电极比容为182 F/g,当电流密度扩大400倍,PC4.2-16.8-6比容保持率为81.6%,显示了很好的速率性能。在1 M Et4NBF4/PC电解液中,PC4.2-16.8-6超级电容器能量密度达到15.72 Wh/kg。在不同活化气氛下,以纳米氧化镁为模板剂,协同氢氧化钾活化煤沥青一步法制备了HSPGs。HSPGs比表面积高达1947 m2/g,总孔孔容为1.16 cm3/g。当碳源、氧化镁和氢氧化钾的质量分别为3.0 g、18.0 g和6.0 g,氩气条件下制备的HSPG3-18-6-Ar的平均孔径和比表面积分别为2.31 nm、1871 m2/g。在0.05 A/g电流密度下,HSPG3-18-6-Ar电极比容达到321 F/g,电流密度增大为20 A/g时,其比容保持率为76.0%,显示了很好的速率性能。1000次循环充放电后,HSPG3-18-6-Ar电极比容保持率为94.5%。HSPG3-18-6-Ar超级电容器能量密度达到11.11Wh/kg。在9502 W/kg的功率密度下,其能量密度达7.25 Wh/kg。以纳米碳酸钙为模板,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,采用常规加热法制备了富含中大孔结构的PCs,在1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐离子液体中测试其电化学性能。当碳酸钙、碳源和CTAB的质量分别为13.50 g、6.75 g和6.75 g时,PC2-1-1电极比容为117 F/g,超级电容器能量密度达到64.18Wh/kg,在平均功率密度为4267 W/kg时,电容器的能量密度为22.19 W/kg。100次充放电后,PC2-1-1电极比容和能量密度的保持率分别达到93.2%和90.0%。
[Abstract]:As a new type of energy storage element, supercapacitors have many advantages, such as long cycle life, high charging speed and good temperature characteristics. They are widely used in military, transportation and communication fields. The pore structure is developed and the electrical conductivity is good, so it is the most commonly used electrode material for supercapacitors. In this paper, coal pitch is used as carbon source. Porous carbon rich in mesoporous structure and hollow spherical porous graphenes (HSPGsN) were prepared by template method. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to prepare HSPGsO. The electrochemical properties of PC and HSPG supercapacitors were investigated by means of constant current charge-discharge, cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance spectroscopy. The main conclusions were as follows: coal pitch was used as carbon source. Porous carbon rich in mesoporous structure was prepared by using potassium hydroxide as activator and iron nitrate nine hydrate as template. When the mass of coal pitch, iron nitrate nine hydrate and potassium hydroxide were 4.2 g / L 16.8 g and 6.0 g, respectively, The PC4.2-16.8-6 specific surface area of the prepared porous carbon is 1683 m2 / g, the total pore volume and average pore size are 2.07 cm3/g and 4.91 nm, respectively, and its non-micropore volume reaches 79.2 nm. At 0.05 g current density, the specific volume of PC4.2-16.8-6 electrode is 182Fg / r, and the specific volume of PC4.2-16.8-6 is maintained by 400 times the current density of PC4.2-16.8-6. In 1 M Et4NBF4/PC electrolyte, the energy density of PC4.2-16.8-6 supercapacitor is 15.72Wh.kg. in different activation atmospheres, The specific surface area of HSPGs.HSPGs was as high as 1947 m2 / g, and the total pore volume was 1.16 cm ~ 3 / g when carbon source was used as carbon source, using nanometer magnesium oxide as template, and activated coal pitch with potassium hydroxide. The mass of magnesium oxide and potassium hydroxide are 3.0 g / 18. 0 g and 6. 0 g, respectively. The average pore size and specific surface area of HSPG3-18-6-Ar prepared under argon condition are 2. 31 nm ~ 1 871 m ~ (2 / g) 路g. When the specific volume of HSPG _ 3-18-6-ar electrode reaches 321 F / g at 0. 05 g current density, the current density increases to 20% 路g. The specific volume retention rate is 76.0, showing a good rate of performance. The specific volume retention rate of HSPG3-18-6-Ar electrode is 11.11 Wh.kg. at a power density of 9502 W/kg, the specific volume retention rate of HSPG3-18-6-Ar electrode is 11.11Whkg. at the power density of 9502 W/kg, the energy density is 7.25Wh/ kg. using nano-calcium carbonate as a template, Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as surfactant, PCS rich in mesoporous structure was prepared by conventional heating method. The electrochemical properties of PCS were tested in ionic liquids containing 1-#china_person0# -3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate. When the mass of carbon source and CTAB were 13.50 g / g and 6.75 g, respectively, the specific capacity of the electrode was 117F / g, and the energy density of supercapacitor was 64.18 / kg. When the average power density was 4267 W/kg, the specific capacity of PC2-1-1 electrode was 117F / g. The specific capacitance and energy density of the electrode of PC2-1-1 are 93. 2% and 90. 0%, respectively, after charge and discharge of 22. 19 W/kg.100.


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