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发布时间:2018-03-30 14:06

  本文选题:恢复控制 切入点:快速切负荷 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:随着电网规模的不断膨胀和结构日趋复杂,国内外大面积停电事故呈多发趋势,且造成无法估量的经济损失和严重的社会影响。当电网出现事故时如何尽量减小停电范围和停电负荷,当电网出现大面积停电时如何尽快恢复供电减少停电时间,是现代大电网必须面对和解决的问题。目前,大停电后电力系统的恢复控制尚处于离线编制方案、调度员凭经验调度恢复的阶段,如何实现电力系统恢复控制的自动化和实用化,并利用先进理论和技术加速故障后的恢复进程,是一个值得深入研究的课题,具有重要的工程背景和理论价值。 黑启动是电网恢复的首要阶段,大量的非黑启动机组需要在这一阶段尽快恢复,该阶段最重要的参数是恢复时间。传统的黑启动电源多为小水电及小型燃机,地处偏远、容量小、接入电压等级低,难以满足大面积停电后电网快速恢复的需要。快速切负荷(FastCut Back,FCB)技术能使火电机组在与电网解列后不停机不停炉,带厂用电孤岛运行,在电网故障消失后迅速并网升负荷,是一种理想的黑启动电源。本文讨论大型火电机组实现FCB功能的关键技术,建立FCB静态与动态模型,为深入研究FCB机组在系统恢复控制过程中的关键性作用奠定了模型基础。通过台山电厂1000MW机组的FCB试验和空充500kV线路试验,验证了FCB机组维持孤岛运行及启动高压输电网架的能力,进而验证了FCB机组在电网恢复控制中的关键作用。 电力系统的恢复控制策略与系统的特性有很大的关系,很难制定一个通用的故障恢复策略。然而,不同电力系统恢复过程中的阶段性目标是相同的,实现阶段性目标的策略也存在很大的相似性,因此从目标解耦的角度出发,存在建立具有兼容性、通用性的电力系统恢复控制方法的可能性。基于该思路,本文在分析电网恢复控制的共性问题和特殊需求的基础上,根据解耦的思想,深入研究系统恢复涉及的物理过程和主要关注的问题,将其解耦成若干相对独立的子问题,建立了基于目标驱动的电网恢复控制方法框架。在该框架下,本文考虑了FCB机组对电力系统恢复控制的关键性作用,建立了含FCB机组的电力系统恢复控制策略优化模型,该模型能够计及多种运行约束,找出最优的机组启动顺序和系统恢复总时间,但该非线性模型目标函数含有积分项,现有优化方法无法直接求解该模型,本文从物理本质出发,提出一种实用计算方法避免了繁冗的积分运算,快速求得优化的机组启动顺序。 本文进一步研究了FCB机组容量及安装位置的不同对系统恢复时间的影响。确定FCB机组的最优布点方案,需要解决两个问题:一是计划改造几台FCB机组,二是对哪几台火力发电机进行FCB技术改造。利用枚举法求解FCB机组布点方案计算量非常大,工程上无法接受。本文将序优化理论引入FCB机组布点问题中,以系统恢复时间最短为优化目标,并考虑约束条件,建立相应的优化模型并给出求解方法。 最后,本文基于风险与效率的综合考虑,针对给定的布点方案,通过遍历寻优得到所有较优的黑启动方案,并将这些黑启动方案的评估指标进行综合,,得到用于表征该黑启动机组布点方案所具有的风险、效率水平的量化评估结果。该评估方法能够很好评估FCB机组布点方案所对应的黑启动过程所具有的效率及风险应对能力,对于FCB机组布点的选取具有一定的指导意义。 本文工作得到广东电网公司重大科技项目(K-GD2011-553)的资助,部分研究成果已经成功应用于广东电网公司,有效的解决了该电网中水电机组不足而电网运行可靠性要求高的技术难题,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of the scale and structure of power grid is becoming more and more complicated, the domestic and foreign large-scale blackouts showed multiple trends, and caused incalculable economic losses and serious social impact. When the power grid accident how to decrease the power range and power load, occur when the power grid blackout to restore power as quickly as possible to reduce the outage time. Is a modern large power grid must face and solve the problem. At present, restoration after blackout of power system is still in the off-line programming, the dispatcher experience scheduling recovery stage, how to realize the power system restoration control automation and practicability, and accelerate the recovery process by using the advanced theory and technology, is a worthy of further study, with engineering background and important theoretical value.
Black start is the primary stage of power system restoration, black start unit needs a resume as soon as possible at this stage, the most important parameters of the stage is the restoration time. Traditional black start power for small hydropower and small gas turbine, remoteness, small capacity, access to low voltage level, it is difficult to meet the need of large area the power grid after the rapid recovery. Fast load shedding (FastCut Back FCB) technology can make in thermal power units and power splitting after the running of the boiler, the islanding operation with auxiliary power, in the power grid fault disappears rapidly after the grid load up, is an ideal black start power. This paper discusses the key technology large thermal power units to achieve FCB function, establish FCB static and dynamic model, lay a model foundation for the key role in the research of FCB unit system restoration process. Through the 1000MW unit of Taishan power plant FCB test and air filling line 500kV The road test proves the ability of the FCB unit to maintain the isolated island operation and to start the high voltage transmission network frame, and then verifies the key role of the FCB unit in the power grid recovery control.
Have a great relationship with the restoration of power system control strategy and the characteristics of the system, it is difficult to develop a universal recovery strategy. However, different power system during the recovery stage of the goal is the same, to achieve the stage goal strategy has great similarity, thus decoupling from the target point of view, there are establish a compatibility, the possibility of universal power system restoration control method. Based on this idea, this paper restores common problems and special needs in the control analysis of power grid, according to the idea of decoupling, recovery of the physical processes involved and focused on the in-depth research of the problem of the system, be decoupled into several independent sub the problem, establish goal-driven control method of power system restoration based framework. In this framework, this paper considers the key role of FCB unit to resume control of the power system, the establishment of The power system containing FCB unit recovery optimization model control strategy, the model can be considered and a variety of operating constraints, the total time recovery boot sequence and system to find the optimal unit, but the nonlinear objective function with integral, the existing optimization method can not directly solve the model, this article from the physical essence, this paper advances a method to calculate the utility can avoid integral operation cumbersome, to quickly calculate the startup sequence optimization unit.
This paper further studies the FCB unit capacity and the installation location of the different influence on the system recovery time. The optimal layout scheme of FCB unit, need to solve two problems: one is the transformation plan several FCB units, two FCB technical renovation on which a few coal-fired generators. The use of enumeration method for solving FCB unit layout the computation is very large, can not accept the engineering. In this paper the ordinal optimization theory into FCB unit allocation problem, the system recovery time as the optimization object, and considering the constraint conditions, establishes the corresponding optimization model and solving method are given.
Finally, considering the risk and efficiency based on the layout scheme is given, through the traversal optimization to get all the optimal black start scheme, and the evaluation index of these black start schemes are integrated and are used to characterize the black start unit distribution scheme is to quantify the risk assessment results, the level of efficiency. Evaluation is a good method to evaluate the efficiency and risk coping ability of FCB unit distribution in black start process of the corresponding scheme. It has certain guiding significance for selection of FCB unit distribution.
This work is supported by the Guangdong Grid Co of major scientific and technological projects (K-GD2011-553) funding, some research results have been successfully applied to the Guangdong Grid Co, effectively solves the technical problem of insufficient power grid and the hydropower generating units of power grid reliability requirements, and achieved good social and economic benefits.



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