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发布时间:2018-03-30 16:48

  本文选题:电力隧道 切入点:浅埋暗挖 出处:《西南交通大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and the continuous development of power grid construction, underground cable tunnel has become a contradiction to solve the increasing power load and the relative scarcity of power channel resources. As well as the key technical means of contradiction between the high standard landscape requirements of modern cities and the scarcity of ground resources. In this paper, the 220KV transmission and transformation power channel project of Zhaojue Si Substation ~ amusement park substation (Sanhuan Road) is used in Hongqiao Project. North traction Station) dig the cable tunnel to rely on, Based on the difficulty and emphasis of construction of urban cable tunnel under complex urban environment, the paper makes comprehensive use of literature investigation, numerical simulation, field test and so on, and revolves around the "rapid construction technology of electric power tunnel through complex urban environment". The problem of the stability of the near junction structure of power tunnel has been carried out a lot of research work has been carried out, and the following research results have been obtained: 1. According to the characteristics of Chengdu engineering and hydrogeology, three common working methods of power tunnel are analyzed and compared: shallow burying method, pipe jacking method, and so on. The shield method, combined with the actual situation of the paper relying on the project, The shallow burying excavation method is selected to construct the municipal power passage project of Zhaojesi Substation ~ amusement park substation. The auxiliary method of GFRP anchor grouting small conduit is adopted in the tunnel excavation. The leading small pipe and the leading small pipe are applied. The face of the palm bolt can play a role in strengthening the face of the palm, To maintain the stability of face and surrounding rock effectively, to control the surface subsidence, to provide security for the safe and rapid construction of power tunnel, and to study the near connection condition of power tunnel by finite difference method. It is concluded that the power tunnel construction has a slight influence on the existing tunnel. The numerical simulation results are in agreement with the observed data, and the difference between the numerical value and the field monitoring data is small. It is shown that the numerical model can well simulate the mechanical mechanism of power tunnel construction.


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