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发布时间:2018-03-31 19:18

  本文选题:风险管理 切入点:国际电力总承包项目 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年,随着国外尤其是非洲地区社会经济的持续发展,对于电力的需求不断增加。由于其国内技术水平及资金等的限制,需要通过国外投资者的引入,才能够满足其国内电力的需求。在这样的背景下,国外企业进入到了这些国家的电力市场中。而由于工程所在国的环境与我国有较大的差异,因此国际电力工程承包历来被认为风险较高。因此,开展国际电力工程承包,对于项目投资人而言,必须要实现开展系统的项目风险分析,通过项目风险的识别、评价,明确项目实施过程中所存在的各类风险及影响值情况,进而提出相应的风险应对策略,进而保证投资人投资目标的顺利实现。本文主要是结合坦桑尼亚Kinyerezi Ⅳ燃机电厂工程项目的具体案例,从项目业主方的视角出发,对项目业主方的风险管理问题进行系统探讨。在遵循风险识别-风险评价-风险对策的风险管理基本流程的基础上,提出了该项目风险管理的体系,为该项目风险管理工作的开展提供了较好支撑。本文共分为六个章节:第一章为绪论部分,针对本文研究的背景、研究的意义、国内外有关国际工程项目风险管理的研究现状、本文研究内容及技术路线、研究方法等进行了分析;第二章为国际电力总承包项目风险管理基础理论及项目概况部分,对国际电力总承包项目风险管理有关概念进行了界定,对风险管理相关理论进行了介绍,并对坦桑尼亚Kinyerezi Ⅳ燃机电厂总承包项目的基本情况进行了介绍;第三章为坦桑尼亚Kinyerezi Ⅳ燃机电厂总承包项目风险识别部分,从项目业主方的视角出发,对该项目实施过程中所存在的风险进行了识别,并构建了项目风险清单;第四章为坦桑尼亚Kinyerezi Ⅳ燃机电厂总承包项目风险评价部分,针对识别出来的各类风险因素的影响值情况进行了评价,为风险应对策略的制定提供了支撑;第五章为坦桑尼亚Kinyerezi Ⅳ燃机电厂总承包项目风险应对部分,根据风险评价的结果,针对所需要采取应对措施的风险因素,分别制定风险应对策略,确保项目的顺利实施;第六章为结论部分,对全文研究成果进行了总结。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the sustained development of social economy abroad, especially in Africa, the demand for electricity has been increasing. Due to the limitations of its domestic technical level and capital, it needs to be introduced through foreign investors. In this context, foreign enterprises have entered the electricity market of these countries. However, the environment of the countries where the project is located is quite different from that of China. Therefore, for the project investors, it is necessary to carry out systematic project risk analysis, identify and evaluate the project risk. Make clear all kinds of risk and influence value in the process of project implementation, and then put forward the corresponding risk response strategy, This paper is mainly based on the specific case of Tanzania Kinyerezi IV gas turbine power plant project, from the perspective of the project owner. On the basis of following the basic process of risk management of risk identification, risk evaluation and risk countermeasure, this paper puts forward the risk management system of the project. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, aiming at the background of this paper, the significance of the study, the current situation of international project risk management research at home and abroad. The second chapter is the basic theory of risk management of international electric power general contract project and the general situation of the project, and defines the related concepts of risk management of international power general contract project. The related theory of risk management is introduced, and the basic situation of the general contracting project of Tanzania Kinyerezi IV gas turbine power plant is introduced. Chapter 3 is the risk identification part of Tanzania Kinyerezi IV general contract project. From the view of the owner of the project, this paper identifies the risks existing in the implementation of the project, and constructs the risk list of the project. Chapter four is the risk evaluation part of the general contract project of Tanzania Kinyerezi IV gas turbine power plant. The impact value of all kinds of risk factors identified is evaluated, which provides support for the formulation of risk coping strategy. Chapter 5 is the risk response part of Tanzania Kinyerezi IV general contract project, according to the results of risk evaluation. Aiming at the risk factors that need to be taken, the author formulates the risk coping strategies separately to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, which summarizes the research results of the full text.


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