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发布时间:2018-04-01 20:24

  本文选题:户外产品 切入点:太阳能充电装置 出处:《湖北工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:People's living standards are constantly improving, consumption concepts are being renewed, our leisure activities are becoming more and more selective, and we are paying more and more attention to health. Outdoor sports are slowly coming into people's lives. And in outdoor sports, people often don't get stable electricity for a long time, and all sorts of problems come along. They don't get stable power support. Limiting the stability of outdoor activities, hindering the expansion of outdoor activities, and at the same time, in terms of life safety, It is necessary to design a device that can provide a certain amount of stable energy in outdoor sports. Solar energy is a primary energy source, a renewable energy source, and zero pollution to the environment. The application of solar energy to electric energy in response to the current appeal for environmental protection. Solar rechargeable cells are converted from solar energy to electric energy and stored in batteries. The emphasis of this paper is to expand the area of solar panels. Firstly, this paper describes the development of outdoor sports at home and abroad, expounds the purpose and significance of this design and this paper, and introduces the methods and contents of the research. Secondly, by classifying and explaining the outdoor auxiliary products and solar charging device, introducing the important relation of the functional increase of outdoor sports equipment, then entering into the focus of this paper, aiming at the first three chapters of the analysis of the problems of practical design, The design route is, design conception-design positioning-sketch scheme-final scheme (final effect diagram and model display), and finally summarize the deficiency of this design and the trend of stable energy charging in the future development of outdoor products.


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