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发布时间:2018-04-05 06:19

  本文选题:蒸汽发生器安全端 切入点:ABAQUS 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The welding residual stress at the safe end of PWR steam generator will produce large residual stress during welding, and the welding residual stress is one of the main reasons for the stress corrosion cracking of welded joints at the safe end.The size and distribution of residual stress of welded joints are affected by geometric structure and welding thermal stress.In order to understand the magnitude and distribution of residual stress in the safety end of PWR steam generator, the welding process of safe end of PWR steam generator is simulated by ABAQUS software.The main research contents are as follows: taking dissimilar metal plate butt welding as the research object, the three-dimensional finite element model of welding structure is established, the DFLUX heat source model is compiled, and the instantaneous temperature field in welding process is calculated by using ABAQUS software.By analyzing the heat source distribution and the thermal cycle curve in the instantaneous temperature field, the distribution characteristics of the temperature field in the welding process are obtained, and the temperature field is loaded into the stress analysis model in the form of thermal load by the sequential coupling method.The distribution of residual stress field in butt welding of dissimilar metal plate is obtained.The simplified model of 1 / 8 cylinder butt welding is adopted, and the thermal load and mechanical boundary conditions are considered in the actual welding environment.The temperature field and residual stress field of dissimilar metal welded joints at the safe end of PWR steam generator are numerically simulated and analyzed.The distribution characteristics of instantaneous temperature field and residual stress field in the welding process of the safe end of steam generator are obtained.This study provides a basis for the accurate analysis of residual stress distribution of dissimilar metal welded joints at the safe end of PWR steam generator, and also provides a reference for the analysis of stress corrosion cracking and fatigue fracture of welded joints at safe ends.


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