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发布时间:2018-04-11 06:14

  本文选题:LPCVD设备控制系统 + WPF ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:低压化学气相沉积(Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition,LPCVD)技术是薄膜太阳能行业中的核心技术,是生产透明导电氧化物(Transparent Conducting Oxide,TCO)玻璃的主要方法。TCO玻璃是指用物理或化学的方法在表面均匀沉积一层透明的导电氧化物膜的平板玻璃,主要用作薄膜太阳能电池的前基板(电极),它的性能对于薄膜太阳能电池的最终转换率有着相当大的影响[1]。TCO玻璃的生产过程繁琐,需要多个设备协同工作,在生产完成后需要用氮气清理腔体并进行长时间的抽空,降低了设备的生产效率。在有多台设备进行生产的环境中必然会出现工艺耗时较长的设备长期处于满载,而工艺耗时较短的设备长期空载,如果无法进行合理的调度必然会造成设备资源的浪费。设备多样且分散也不利于搜集对比生产数据和进行设备管理。设备控制多是在密闭不透明的腔体内进行,无法直观的看到腔体内状态的变化,也给操作人员带来了许多困扰。这些问题逐渐成为了LPCVD设备发展的瓶颈。本文以国内某知名光伏设备制造商(以下简称E公司)的实际项目为背景,在分析了LPCVD设备的生产过程的基础上,设计并实现了一种新的LPCVD设备的控制系统。该系统包括了图形界面控制、用户帐户管理、错误校正、工艺配方管理、设备安全运行保护机制、设备实时状态数据管理、非实时设备信息管理等功能模块,测试及应用情况表明该系统实现了设备的精确控制与调度优化,提高了生产效率。相比同类的其他系统,本文的研究工作主要有以下特点:1.LPCVD设备控制系统选择Prodave驱动库和TCP/IP通讯协议与西门子的PLC进行通讯,采取不断遍历PLC的每一个模块来获取最新的数据,可以达到10毫秒就可以遍历200个IO点,最大限度的保证了系统的实时性。2.LPCVD设备控制系统通过采用C/S架构和WCF技术来实现多客户端同时访问LPCVD设备,从而使得当一个操作员在一台电脑上进行操作时,另一台电脑也可以查看工艺数据与机台运行状态,避免了排队操作的情况。3.LPCVD设备控制系统采用WPF技术来实现图形化的客户端界面,通过从PLC上获取的IO点来绘制真实设备的剖面图,为操作员直观的展示腔体里当前的运行状态。同时提供了相应的操作页面,管理页面与统计页面,来进行机台操作,管理操作机台人员的信息和查看生产数据,极大的增强了用户的体验。
[Abstract]:Low pressure chemical vapor deposition (Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition LPCVD) technology is the core technology of thin-film solar industry, is the production of transparent conductive oxide (Transparent Conducting, Oxide, TCO) the main method of glass.TCO glass is a flat glass conductive oxide film by physical or chemical methods in uniformly deposited on the surface of a layer of transparent. The front substrate, mainly used for thin film solar cell (electrode), the performance of the final conversion for thin film solar cell rate has a considerable impact on the production process of [1].TCO glass is complicated, need to work multiple devices at the completion of production need to clean up the cavity with nitrogen and long time, reduce equipment production efficiency. In the process time-consuming equipment must be loaded with long-term multi equipment production environment, and a shorter process The equipment for a long time idle, if not reasonable scheduling will inevitably result in a waste of resources. The equipment equipment various and scattered is not conducive to the collection of data and comparison of production equipment management. Equipment control is carried out in a closed cavity opaque, unable to visually see the change of the cavity state, also brought a lot of problems to the operator these problems have gradually become the bottleneck of LPCVD equipment development. In this paper, a well-known domestic photovoltaic equipment manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as E company) the actual project as the background, based on the analysis of the production process of LPCVD equipment, the design and implementation of the control system of a new LPCVD equipment. The system includes a graphical interface user account control, error correction, process management, recipe management, equipment operation safety protection mechanism, real-time data management equipment, non real-time equipment information management and other functions Module, test and application show that the system realizes the control and scheduling of accurate equipment, improve production efficiency. Compared with other similar systems, the main research work of this paper has the following characteristics: Prodave driver and TCP/IP communication protocol to communicate with the SIEMENS PLC 1.LPCVD equipment control system, take each module continue to traverse the PLC to get the latest data, can reach 10 milliseconds to traverse the 200 IO, the maximum guarantee of real-time.2.LPCVD equipment control system by using C/S architecture and WCF technology to realize multi client access LPCVD devices at the same time, so that when an operator in a computer on another computer, you can also view the process data and the machine running state, avoid the queuing operations.3.LPCVD equipment control system uses WPF technology to realize the map The shape of the client interface, through access from the PLC IO to draw the profile of the real equipment, for the current operating state display cavity operator intuitive. At the same time provide the corresponding operation page, page management and Statistics page, to machine operation, operation management machine and the staff information and check the production data. Greatly enhance the user experience.



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