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发布时间:2018-04-13 04:04

  本文选题:有序用电 + 精细化管理 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随着我国经济的持续快速发展,电力需求与日俱增,高峰时期电力不足问题显著,电源性缺电与电网性缺电问题并存。面对严峻的电力供需紧张局势,除了加快电源与电网建设,还应开展精细化有序用电管理工作。 本文针对当前有序用电管理所存问题,提出了精细化有序用电管理的基本框架。该框架以精细化管理思想为其理论基础,以智能电网的建设与发展为其实施基础,分为四个主要环节:建立有序用电综合评价指标体系、科学合理地分解错避峰指标、基于决策模型编制有序用电方案、有序用电执行后评估。所提框架融合了精细化管理思想和闭环反馈控制思想,有望提升管理效益,不断优化电力资源配置。 从有序用电精细化管理的实际需求出发,本文将有序用电综合评价指标体系分成两部分,其一用于客户有序用电价值的综合评价,其二用于方案整体效益的综合评价。首次提出从客户的用电价值与适用度价值两个角度建立客户有序用电价值综合评估指标。方案整体效益的综合评价则从发电侧、电网侧、用户侧和全社会环保贡献等多个角度考察有序用电方案的实施效果。 最后本文基于用户负荷特性及其用电价值,提出一种多时间尺度协调的集中决策方法,在消纳供需缺口的同时,能提高负荷率,降低高峰时段备用需求。该模型联合考虑了周时间尺度与日时间尺度上的多种错避峰手段,以对用户常规用电习惯影响最小为主要优化目标协调调度不同手段,并且融入用户用电价值的影响。高峰时段备用电力均衡化与峰荷峰谷差加权和最小化的多目标优化,可进一步改善系统负荷率,增强电网峰荷运行安全性与稳定性。该模型同时适用于电源性缺电与电网性缺电情况下的有序用电决策。算例分析说明了所提模型与方法的基本特征和有效性。
[Abstract]:With the continuous and rapid development of economy in China, the demand for electricity is increasing day by day, the problem of power shortage is obvious during the peak period, and the problem of power shortage and power shortage coexist.In the face of severe shortage of power supply and demand, in addition to speeding up the construction of power supply and power grid, it is necessary to carry out detailed and orderly management of electricity consumption.Aiming at the problems existing in the management of orderly power consumption at present, this paper puts forward the basic framework of the management of power consumption in fine order.The framework is based on the theory of fine management and the construction and development of smart grid. It is divided into four main links: to establish an orderly comprehensive evaluation index system for power consumption, and to scientifically and reasonably decompose the index of avoiding peak.Based on the decision model, an ordered power consumption scheme is worked out, and the evaluation is carried out after the ordered power consumption is executed.The proposed framework combines the idea of fine management with the idea of closed-loop feedback control, which is expected to improve the efficiency of management and optimize the allocation of power resources.Starting from the actual demand of the fine management of orderly power consumption, this paper divides the comprehensive evaluation index system of orderly power consumption into two parts: one is used for the comprehensive evaluation of the customer's ordered power consumption value, the other is used for the comprehensive evaluation of the overall benefit of the scheme.It is the first time to establish the comprehensive evaluation index of customer's ordered power consumption value from two aspects of customer's power consumption value and applicability value.The comprehensive evaluation of the overall benefit of the scheme examines the implementation effect of the orderly power consumption scheme from the power generation side, the power grid side, the user side and the environmental protection contribution of the whole society.Finally, based on the characteristics of user load and its power consumption value, this paper proposes a centralized decision method based on multi-time scale coordination, which can increase the load rate and reduce the reserve demand during the peak period while eliminating the gap between supply and demand.The model considers several kinds of error-avoiding methods on the weekly time scale and the daily time scale. The main objective of this model is to optimize the different means of coordination and scheduling in order to minimize the impact on the users' conventional power consumption habits, and to incorporate the influence of the user's power consumption value into the model.The multi-objective optimization of peak time standby power equalization and peak load peak-valley difference minimization can further improve the system load rate and enhance the security and stability of power network peak load operation.The model is applicable to the ordered power consumption decision in the case of power shortage and power grid shortage at the same time.An example is given to illustrate the basic characteristics and effectiveness of the proposed model and method.


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