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发布时间:2018-04-13 04:09

  本文选题:阵列分布优化 + 模块组合多电平变换器 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:海洋能是一种重要的可再生能源,我国是一个海洋大国,可以利用的海洋能非常丰富。海洋中波浪运动所蕴含的能量密度非常高,且波浪能转换装置(Wave Energy Converter,WEC)的理想产能时间可高达90%。虽然与风力发电、太阳能发电等可再生能源发电相比,波浪能发电起步较晚,然而对于实现我国长期的可再生能源发展目标具有重要意义。随着波浪发电技术的日趋成熟,为了实现波浪发电的商业化和规模化,阵列式波浪发电场的建立被提上了研究日程,其优势是能大大节省系统系泊、电力传输和设备维护的成本,具有重要的理论和实际意义。对波浪发电场中的WEC单元进行合理的位置排布可以提高波浪发电场的发电能力。同时,还需对波浪发电阵列的电气协调控制进行研究,使得波浪发电场能稳定平滑地输出电能。本文针对阵列式波浪发电系统进行了深入研究,主要从以下几方面展开工作:(1)介绍了国内外波浪能发电的发展情况及研究成果,典型波浪能发电装置和多自由度波浪能发电装置的原理特点,以及阵列式波浪发电的研究情况。(2)研究阵列中波浪发电单元布局对阵列系统发电能力的影响。对阵列式波浪发电系统进行水动力建模,使用线性波浪理论推导WEC单元之间的水动力相互作用关系。应用MATLAB软件对阵列系统的水动力进行分析和计算。采用抛物线交点法和差分进化算法对阵列系统中WEC单元位置进行优化布局。(3)采用模块化多电平变换器(Modular Multilevel Converter,MMC)作为阵列式波浪发电系统的并网逆变器,以提高系统的输出电能质量和适应阵列系统容量的扩展。分别在abc坐标系和dq坐标系下建立MMC数学模型,研究其脉冲调制技术,分析MMC环流和子模块电容电压脉动的成分和产生机理。(4)构建了阵列式波浪发电系统并网仿真模型,并设计了相应并网和直流电容电压平衡控制器,采用直接环流抑制控制和基于PR(Proportional Resonance,PR)控制器对MMC内部的环流进行抑制,仿真结果验证了所提出控制策略的有效性。
[Abstract]:Ocean energy is an important renewable energy.The energy density of wave motion in the ocean is very high, and the ideal production time of wave Energy conversion device can be up to 90.Compared with renewable energy generation such as wind power and solar energy, wave energy power generation starts later, but it is of great significance to realize the long-term renewable energy development goal in China.With the development of wave power generation technology, in order to realize the commercialization and scale of wave power generation, the establishment of array wave electric field has been put on the research agenda, its advantage is that it can save system mooring greatly.The cost of power transmission and equipment maintenance has important theoretical and practical significance.The reasonable placement of the WEC elements in the wave field can improve the power generation capacity of the wave field.At the same time, it is necessary to study the electric coordination control of wave generator array, so that the wave electric field can output electric energy stably and smoothly.In this paper, the array wave power generation system is studied in depth, and the development and research results of wave power generation at home and abroad are introduced.The principle and characteristics of typical wave power generation devices and multi-degree-of-freedom wave power generation devices, and the research situation of array wave power generation are also discussed. (2) the influence of wave power generation unit layout in array on the generation capacity of array system is studied.The hydrodynamic model of array wave power generation system is established, and the hydrodynamic interaction between WEC elements is deduced by linear wave theory.The hydrodynamic force of array system is analyzed and calculated by MATLAB software.Using parabola intersection method and differential evolution algorithm to optimize the location of WEC cells in array systems, modularized multilevel converters (Modular Multilevel converters MMC) are used as grid-connected inverters for array wave power generation systems.In order to improve the output power quality of the system and adapt to the expansion of the capacity of the array system.The mathematical models of MMC are established in abc coordinate system and dq coordinate system respectively. The pulse modulation technology is studied, and the components and generation mechanism of MMC circulation and capacitor voltage pulsation of sub-modules are analyzed. The grid-connected simulation model of array wave power generation system is constructed.The corresponding grid-connected and DC capacitor voltage balance controller is designed. The direct circulation suppression control and the PR(Proportional Resonance PR-based controller are used to suppress the internal circulation of MMC. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.


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