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发布时间:2018-04-16 16:14

  本文选题:特高压 + 交直流混联 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:十二五规划后期,南方电网计划建设糯扎渡电站送电广东±800kV特高压直流工程,洛溪渡电站送电广东同塔双回±500kV直流工程和金沙江中游梨园、阿海电站送电广西直流工程。2015年西电东送主网架在2010年五直八交的基础上形成九直八交送电通道,特高压结构性稳定问题十分突出,对广东电网安全稳定产生重要影响。为提高广东电网的静态稳定性和暂态稳定性,,使电力系统满足稳定导则,对广东特高压电网进行分析、研究安全稳控措施是非常必要的。 本文以广东电网2015年数据为研究基础,依据电力系统安全稳定导则,利用BPA软件对广东电网进行潮流计算。对广东电网各种典型故障仿真和广东电网重要地区安全稳定现状进行分析。找出各重要地区所存在的安全稳定问题,并给出解决措施。为广东电网的安全稳定控制措施的完善奠定基础、提供依据。 电气距离作为描述电网节点间的电气耦合程度的参数,得到广泛应用。本文对电气距离的概念、电气距离的特性(非负性、对称性、可加性、物理量纲、物理意义)进行了详尽的阐述。并运用电气距离灵敏度法,基于无功功率灵敏度和有功功率灵敏度对IEEE-30节点网络进行分区,验证了电气距离灵敏度法的可行性。 本文提出以电气距离灵敏度法对大电网分区后确定安全稳定控制措施。在切机切负荷措施中,需确定切机切负荷地点及切机切负荷量。本文基于电气距离灵敏度法对广东电网进行分区。选取特高压电网的典型故障、典型线路仿真分析,在对广东电网分区后确定安全稳定控制措施,能快速、准确地确定切机切负荷地点。最后对切机切负荷的规律,切机量的影响因素进行了研究。 论文主要围绕广东电网安全稳定分析与控制为研究中心,为广东电网安全稳控措施的制定和电网安全、稳定运行提供了研究基础及技术支持。
[Abstract]:In the late 12th Five-Year Plan, the Southern Power Grid plans to build the Guangdong 卤800kV UHV DC Project for the Nuozhadu Power Station, the Guangdong double Towers 卤500kV DC Project for the Luoxidu Power Station, and the Liyuan Project for the middle reaches of the Jinsha River.Guangxi DC project of Ahai power station. In 2015, the main power transmission grid from west to east formed nine transmission channels on the basis of May and eight in 2010. The structural stability of UHV is very prominent, which has an important impact on the safety and stability of Guangdong power grid.In order to improve the static and transient stability of Guangdong power network and make the power system meet the stability guidelines, it is necessary to study the safety stability control measures for the Guangdong UHV power network.Based on the data of Guangdong Power Grid in 2015, this paper uses BPA software to calculate the power flow of Guangdong power grid according to the power system safety and stability guidelines.The simulation of various typical faults in Guangdong power grid and the present situation of safety and stability in important areas of Guangdong power grid are analyzed.To find out the security and stability problems in the important areas, and give the solution.It lays a foundation for the improvement of safety and stability control measures of Guangdong power grid and provides the basis.Electrical distance is widely used as a parameter to describe the degree of electrical coupling between nodes.In this paper, the concept of electrical distance and the characteristics of electrical distance (non-negative, symmetry, additivity, physical dimension, physical meaning) are described in detail.The electrical distance sensitivity method is used to partition the IEEE-30 node network based on reactive power sensitivity and active power sensitivity, which verifies the feasibility of the electrical distance sensitivity method.In this paper, the method of electric distance sensitivity is used to determine the safety and stability control measures for large power grid.In the cutting load measures, it is necessary to determine the cutting load location and the cutting load.Based on the method of electric distance sensitivity, this paper divides Guangdong power grid.The typical fault of UHV power network and the simulation analysis of typical transmission lines are selected to determine the safety and stability control measures after dividing the Guangdong power network, which can quickly and accurately determine the cutting load location.Finally, the law of cutting load and the influencing factors of cutting load are studied.This paper focuses on the safety and stability analysis and control of Guangdong power grid as the research center, which provides the research foundation and technical support for the establishment of security and stability control measures and the safe and stable operation of Guangdong power grid.


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