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发布时间:2018-04-17 03:37

  本文选题:太阳能光伏 + 最大功率跟踪 ; 参考:《齐齐哈尔大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The pollution problem of fossil fuel consumption and the shortage of supply and demand of traditional energy, non-renewable human beings begin to explore the new energy field. As a typical representative of new energy, solar energy has the advantages of clean and rich resources.More and more widely used in the actual production of life.As an important application of new energy, electric vehicle has been popularized and supported by the government. As an indispensable supporting facility, the quantity and coverage of charging device is the strong support for the healthy development of electric vehicle.Electric vehicles do not pollute themselves, but electricity is likely to come from thermal power plants, which still pollute the environment. And if electric vehicles are as popular as fuel vehicles, the current power grid level is to some extent unbearable.And electric vehicle this nonlinear load charging process will affect the quality of power supply.Solar photovoltaic array can be used as the power source of the charging device, which can solve the above contradiction.In this paper, a number of scattered photovoltaic arrays are incorporated into a DC bus with a constant voltage by Boost boost circuit, and small power photovoltaic power plants are concentrated to provide the energy source for the charging facilities of electric vehicles.The Boost circuit connecting the solar panel and DC bus uses the maximum power tracking technique to maximize the output of electric energy. The DC bus voltage stable at 400V is obtained by the three-phase rectifier of the VIENNA rectifier.The main circuit of charging pile is provided by the full bridge converter, which can adjust the charging voltage and current by controlling the chip instruction (charging strategy).In the aspect of control system, MPPT is controlled by disturbance step size adaptive method, and charging circuit is controlled by software PID method.In this paper, the VIENNA rectifier and full-bridge converter are simulated by PSIM software. The simulation results show that the output voltage of the VIENNA rectifier is stable at 400V, with extremely small fluctuation, and the full-bridge converter can stabilize the output voltage of 380V.The traditional perturbation observation method and the adaptive perturbation step size method are simulated and compared by Matlab/Simulink. The comparison results show the superiority of the adaptive method.Finally, the efficiency of the designed low-power Boost circuit is tested, and the test result is 84.5.The output voltage is clamped to 46V DC bus voltage, and the three Boost circuit nodes connected to the battery board are tested in parallel.The test results show that each node circuit works stably, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive perturbation step method, and the constant current constant voltage charging test of a 24V lithium ion battery is carried out, and the charging state of each time is analyzed.The working state of one of the photovoltaic array grid-connected inverters is analyzed, and the relationship among the intensity of light irradiation, the input voltage and current and the output voltage and current is shown.


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