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发布时间:2018-04-19 05:23

  本文选题:太阳能 + 光伏转换 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Solar energy is a kind of clean and renewable energy, the use of solar energy for thermal and photovoltaic two. Solar collector system is a new integrated system of photovoltaic and photothermal conversion in one of the solar PV modules as part of a solar collector, converted into electricity through photovoltaic modules and another part is converted to refrigerant heat recovery by pipeline flow, which also produce electricity and heat. The first chapter of this paper mainly introduces the background of the global energy crisis under the sustainable energy development, and the development history and research progress of solar energy is a comprehensive PV/T system technology applications are briefly reviewed the second chapter and the third chapter respectively. According to the PV/T system using different working fluid dynamic simulation analysis is carried out, the fourth chapter comparative analysis with a series of different structure design of PV/ T The dynamic characteristics of the air heat collecting system. Finally the dynamic characteristics of a PV/T system using water as refrigerant for PV/T refrigerant water by subsequent work are briefly proposed.1.. Established a dynamic model of PV/T system with the energy balance equation of the outlet water temperature, solar photovoltaic conversion temperature. The efficiency of photovoltaic power, variation of the heat output power curve is obtained, the performance parameters of the given weather conditions change with time. At the same time, further analysis of the PV module series number, effects of entrance water temperature and mass flow rate of design parameters on the dynamic characteristics of the PV/T system. The results show that: in the given conditions next, with the enhancement of solar radiation, temperature of photovoltaic components increased gradually, resulting in photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreases, but the overall photovoltaic power and thermal power output is still increasing; in The same other conditions, with the increase in the number of tandem photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic module temperature gradually increased, resulting in photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreases, but the overall photovoltaic power and thermal power output is still increasing; in the same working conditions, with the refrigerant entrance temperature, working temperature of photovoltaic components increased gradually, resulting in the photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreased gradually, the whole photovoltaic power and heat output power decreases gradually; in the same working condition, with the increase of mass flow rate, temperature of photovoltaic components decreased gradually, resulting in photovoltaic conversion efficiency increases, the overall photovoltaic power and thermal power output increases gradually; in addition, compared with the number of PV modules in series and the influence of fluid entrance temperature or mass flow rate change on the system of photovoltaic power and thermal power output of the.2. is much smaller with refrigerant R410A Study on the dynamic characteristics of a PV/T system using refrigerant R410A refrigerant as working fluid. The PV/T established the PV/T system dynamic performance model based on energy balance equation, the temperature of the solar cell, photovoltaic conversion efficiency of photovoltaic power, backplane temperature changes, thermal power output and other performance parameters, get the curve the performance parameters of the given weather conditions change with time. At the same time, further analysis of the influence of evaporation temperature of refrigerant on the dynamic characteristics of the PV/T system. The results show that: in the given evaporating temperature, with solar radiation enhancement, working temperature of photovoltaic components increased gradually, resulting in photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreased gradually, but the overall photovoltaic power and heat output power is still increasing; in the same working conditions, with the evaporation temperature of refrigerant increases, working temperature of photovoltaic components increased, resulting in a photovoltaic conversion At the same time, the overall efficiency decreased, photovoltaic power and heat output power decreases; in addition, the temperature of PV module is only slightly higher than the evaporation temperature, so the choice of evaporation low temperature can effectively reduce the temperature of PV module. At the same time, given the evaporating temperature, working temperature of photovoltaic module or photovoltaic conversion efficiency with the change of solar radiation and amplitude not having studied a series of different pipeline structure by using air as PV/T working fluid dynamic characteristics of the PV/T system for refrigerant air by the photovoltaic performance of.3. was stable. Using the energy balance equation is established based on PV/T system dynamic performance analysis model, the temperature of the solar battery, solar photovoltaic power conversion efficiency. Power, efficiency, variation of the heat output power and thermal efficiency parameters, obtained the curve of the performance parameters of the given weather conditions change with time. At the same time, comparison The traditional photovoltaic module pipeline, analyzes the influence of different pipeline structure on the dynamic characteristic of PV/T system. The research results show that: for a given system structure, working conditions, with the enhancement of solar radiation, temperature of photovoltaic components increased gradually, resulting in photovoltaic conversion efficiency and overall power efficiency decreased, but photovoltaic power and thermal power output the overall thermal efficiency increases, but little change; for different structural systems, in the photovoltaic performance, enhance the cooling effect below the refrigerant flowing through the photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic modules to reduce the working temperature, the photovoltaic conversion efficiency increased, while photovoltaic power increases. The cooling effect of reduced refrigerant flowing through the photovoltaic module above, photovoltaic working temperature the component increased, photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreased, while photovoltaic power decreases. At the same time through the medium below the PV module, if one-way flow, the upper and lower channel. Continued, the working temperature of photovoltaic components decreased, photovoltaic conversion efficiency increased, but the photovoltaic power will decrease; if the two-way flow between the upper and lower channel, independent photovoltaic module working temperature rise, photovoltaic conversion efficiency decreases, while photovoltaic power decreases; for different structural systems, in terms of thermal properties, thermal output of heat the output power of refrigerant flowing through the photovoltaic component above than below the refrigerant flowing through the photovoltaic component; effect of PV/T system structure design of photovoltaic and thermal performance of different, usually improve the photovoltaic performance of the need to reduce the cost of thermal performance, and vice versa; in addition, verified in the simulation of dynamic characteristics of PV/T system in negligible radiation the heat transfer process of the assumption is reasonable and feasible.



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