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发布时间:2018-04-21 18:27

  本文选题:数字控制Buck型 + DC-DC变换器 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of semiconductor technology, portable, high integrated, low power consumption electronic products are becoming more and more widely used, which puts forward higher requirements for the power supply equipment needed for electronic equipment. The Buck type DC-DC converter, which needs smaller volume, lower power consumption and higher performance, provides power supply for portable devices. In the traditional analog control method, more advanced digital control methods are applied to the control strategy of switching power supply. In this paper, a fast response Buck DC-DC converter based on fuzzy PID control is designed, including the main topology of the Buck DC-DC converter, the ADM, the fuzzy PID controller and the digital pulse width modulation mode. In this paper, the design simulation and test of the whole system are completed. Firstly, the traditional digital PID controller is designed in the frequency domain, the response speed and the overshoot are weighed, and the initial parameters of the PID are obtained according to the system requirements. Then the fuzzy algorithm is combined with the PID algorithm to add the parameter variation of the boundary PID to the beginning of the setting rule. In the initial PID parameter, the fuzzy PID combination control is realized. This paper focuses on the fuzzy PID controller, including the selection of the shape of the membership function, the design of the fuzzy subset according to the design index, the determination of the proportion factor, the determination of the fuzzy PID rule table and the realization of the solution blur, and the optimization design of each block and the simulation of the MATLAB modeling, and the simulation knot. On this basis, this paper carries out the hardware and software circuit design of the Buck DC-DC converter, and builds the circuit test platform to verify and test the designed fuzzy PID algorithm. The main topology open loop and system closed loop test are carried out respectively, the input voltage of 3.6-5.0V, the switching frequency of 1MHz, and the load current condition of 1A. At the same time, the output voltage is stable at 1.8V, the ripple is less than 10mV, the peak peak is less than 30mV, the time is less than 5ms., and the recovery time is less than 130 Mu under the 0.4A-1.0A load step condition. The conversion efficiency reaches the maximum value 81%. when the load is 0.8A, which satisfies the requirement of the dynamic and static performance of the switch power system, and the fuzzy PID is well verified. The superiority of control algorithm in digital control switching power supply.



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