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发布时间:2018-04-21 23:17

  本文选题:电力消费 + 省域差异 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the most widely used secondary energy in the world, with the development of the information age, electric power has received more and more attention. There are great differences in power consumption in 31 provinces because of the resource endowment, the level of economic development and the industrial structure. It is of great significance to make clear the relationship between electric power consumption and economic development and the influence factors of electric power consumption in order to optimize the energy structure and ensure the regional energy and power security. Based on the Tapio decoupling model, this paper analyzes the correlation between the economic development of each province and electricity consumption. Then, based on the LMDI model, the terminal power consumption of 29 provinces and their three major industries except Tibet and Ningxia are decomposed, and the energy structure and energy intensity of each province are analyzed by combining the power, energy and economic policies of China and other provinces. The influence of industrial structure, economic development and population scale on provincial electric power consumption. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the economic development of the provinces is the primary factor to promote the growth of electricity consumption. The development of most provinces has been improved in recent years, and the electricity consumption and economic development of some regions such as Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang are still in a state of negative decoupling from expansion, and economic development is at the expense of a large amount of electricity consumption. Second, the adjustment of energy structure leads to the growth of electricity consumption in the east, central and western regions. The energy structure effect in 24 provinces except Fujian, Shandong, Guizhou and Liaoning promotes the increase of electric power consumption, especially the energy structure effect in Beijing accounts for 96.88% of the total effect, which indicates that the energy structure of each province in China is gradually tilting towards the electric power. Third, the energy intensity effect is the primary factor to restrain the growth of power consumption in the province, and the decrease of the energy intensity of the secondary industry in the province is the main factor to restrain the growth of the power consumption in the province. In general, the power consumption efficiency in the eastern and northeast regions is higher than that in the central and western regions, with the highest energy efficiency in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Chongqing and Shanghai. Fourth, except Beijing and Shanghai, the adjustment of industrial structure in all provinces promotes the growth of electricity consumption. The secondary industry in each province is still the main body of electricity consumption, and the development of tertiary industry is conducive to reducing electricity consumption. Finally, according to the analysis results and conclusions, the following suggestions are put forward: first, continue to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the province and industry, and develop green economy; second, strengthen efforts to promote the adjustment of the industrial structure in the province, optimize the secondary industry, and develop the tertiary industry; Third, strengthen the construction of power grid, do a good job in the maintenance of the channel between power production and terminal consumption, and ensure the safety of regional electricity; fourth, optimize the structure of power generation, improve the technology of thermal power generation, and develop clean modes of power generation, such as photoelectricity, hydropower, nuclear power, etc. Fifth, coal and electricity linkage, market pricing, through appropriate electricity price management to guide the industrial structure.


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