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发布时间:2018-04-21 23:36

  本文选题:FPGA + 无叶风扇 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:无叶风扇也叫空气增加器,它是让空气从一个1.3毫米宽、绕着圆环转动的切口里极速的吹出来。因为空气是被强制从这一细小的缝中吹出来的,通过的空气量可增强到15倍,时速可增至55英里。无叶风扇没有叶片,不会覆盖尘土,方便清洁,更重要的是它不会伤到好奇儿童的手指,因此在生活中受到大家青睐。无叶风扇的原理不仅可以应用在家用电器中,,还可以应用在工业中,在铝型材生产线的吹干铝型材的设备中也可以应用无叶风扇的原理。铝型材从风水冷激速冷却设备中出来,沾满了水,传统吹干铝型材设备就是采用带叶片子电风扇吹风,带走铝型材表面上的水,众所周知,电风扇的叶片后面就是个微型电机,铝型材上的水滴在叶片上,流到电机里,会损坏电机,增加维修成本,如果造成电机短路,还有可能造成其它严重后果。如果应用无叶风扇的原理,设计制造一排不锈钢材料的圆环,可集中供气,也可单独供气,跟传统风扇不同的是,电机都是在一旁安装,铝型材上面的水就不会滴在电机上了[1]。 本文是在FPGA技术基础上研究无叶风扇的设计与实现。本文所设计的无叶风扇是一个完善的系统,它由电源电路、人机交互、气压传感器、差动放大器、A/D转换电路、电机驱动、FPGA核心控制这几部分组成。整体结构设计完成后,根据各部分功能相应的进行试验和论证确定各部分的元器件组成,人机交互部分采用3位共阳数码管,以及4位独立按键,人体红外热释电采用RE200B传感器对人体活动进行检测,气体压力检测采用MPXV2007集成硅压力传感器, A/D转换部分电路采用12C通讯接口的4路12位的转换芯片AD7991进行处理,电机驱动采用直流电机使用脉宽调制进行控制,FPGA控制部分采用XILINX公司的XC6SLX9-TG144为主控芯片附加配置芯片NP5Q128A13ESC0E。然后进行硬件系统制作,制作完成进行分级调试及整机联调最后调试成功。硬件制作完成后,进行软件流程图设计,根据总体设计分块编程,通过不断调试修改最终设计实现了基于FPGA的无叶风扇。
[Abstract]:A leafless fan, also known as an air enhancer, lets the air blow out at maximum speed from a 1.3 mm wide, annular wound. Because the air is forced to blow out of this tiny gap, the amount of air passing through can be increased to 15 times as fast as 55 miles per hour. A leafless fan without a blade does not cover the dust, is easy to clean, and, more importantly, does not hurt the fingers of curious children, so it is popular in life. The principle of vaneless fan can be used not only in household appliances, but also in industry and in the equipment of blow-drying aluminum profile in aluminum profile production line. Aluminum profiles come out of the fengshui cooling equipment and are covered with water. The traditional equipment for blowing aluminum profiles is to use a fan with blades to blow air and take away the water on the surface of aluminum profiles. As we all know, behind the blades of the electric fans is a miniature motor. The water droplets on the aluminum profile on the blade, flow into the motor, will damage the motor, increase maintenance costs, if caused by the motor short circuit, there may be other serious consequences. If the principle of vaneless fan is applied, a ring of stainless steel material can be designed and manufactured, which can supply gas centrally or separately. Unlike the traditional fan, the motor is installed on the side, and the water above the aluminum profile will not drip on the motor [1]. This paper studies the design and implementation of vaneless fan based on FPGA technology. The vaneless fan designed in this paper is a perfect system, which is composed of power circuit, man-machine interaction, air pressure sensor, A / D converter circuit of differential amplifier, motor drive FPGA core control and so on. After the overall structure design is finished, the components of each part are determined according to the corresponding test and demonstration of each part function. The human-computer interaction part adopts 3-bit common positive digital tube and 4 independent keys. The infrared pyroelectric sensor of human body is used to detect the human body activity, the gas pressure is detected by MPXV2007 integrated silicon pressure sensor, and the A / D conversion circuit is processed by a 4-channel 12-bit conversion chip AD7991 with 12C communication interface. The DC motor uses pulse width modulation (PWM) to control the motor. The XC6SLX9-TG144 of XILINX Company is used as the additional configuration chip NP5Q128A13ESC0E. Then the hardware system is made, and the final debugging of the whole machine is finished. After the hardware is finished, the software flow chart is designed. According to the overall design, the vaneless fan based on FPGA is realized through continuous debugging and modification.


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