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发布时间:2018-04-23 11:38

  本文选题:GPRS + LabVIEW ; 参考:《中国矿业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城市化进程步伐的加快,以及无线通信技术的大幅度提高,集中抄表正在逐渐取代传统的手工抄表方式,新式的住宅小区以智能化为主打招牌,在抄表的智能化上也做足了工作,不断的引进新型的集中抄表系统。从有线抄表方案到无线抄表,集中抄表也在逐渐的更新。 本文首先详细的描述现有的无线集中抄表系统的硬件结构和具体的工作过程,分析了其存在的一些问题,在此基础上做出了很大的改进,主要对集中器进行了重新的设计:以ARM芯片STM32F103ZET6为主控芯片,结合GPRS通信技术和无线Mesh自组网通信,使用FLASH外设存储;通过无线自组网模块(集中器部分)完成下位机终端抄表的过程,将数据传给主控芯片,处理之后经由GPRS模块传给上位机。文中对于具体的硬件电路进行了模块化的设计,,包括微控制器电路、时钟电路、存储电路、通信接口电路、人机交互电路以及电源电路等的设计。 基于嵌入式uCOS系统的ARM应用在此体现了其绝对的优势。文中也详细的分析了uCOS-Ⅱ系统的结构、任务工作原理、在STM32上的移植过程以及系统具体的任务划分和设计。上位机以LabVIEW为组态界面,画面清晰、美观,功能齐全。文中介绍了LabVIEW管理中心的设计,包括TCP/IP通信实现和数据库存储访问,实现了对用户电量数据的存储和查询,用户的增加和删除以及用电参数设定等功能。 另外本文还对LZ77压缩算法进行了分析,通过改进和测试,找到一种适合于本系统的实际应用场合的改进型LZ77压缩算法。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid improvement of wireless communication technology, centralized meter reading is gradually replacing the traditional manual meter reading method. In the intelligent meter reading also do a lot of work, the introduction of a new type of centralized meter reading system. From wired meter reading scheme to wireless meter reading, centralized meter reading is also gradually updated. Firstly, this paper describes the hardware structure and concrete working process of the existing wireless centralized meter reading system in detail, analyzes some problems existing in the system, and makes great improvements on this basis. This paper redesigns the concentrator: using ARM chip STM32F103ZET6 as main control chip, combining GPRS communication technology and wireless Mesh ad hoc network communication, using FLASH peripheral storage; Through the wireless ad hoc network module (concentrator part) completed the lower computer terminal meter reading process, the data to the main control chip, after processing through the GPRS module to the upper computer. In this paper, the modularization design of the hardware circuit is presented, including the design of microcontroller circuit, clock circuit, memory circuit, communication interface circuit, man-machine interaction circuit and power circuit. The application of ARM based on embedded uCOS system embodies its absolute advantage. The structure of uCOS- 鈪




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