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发布时间:2018-04-25 02:43

  本文选题:PMSM + 伺服 ; 参考:《西安工程大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:伺服控制器广泛应用于数控车床等领域,现代工业对伺服控制器性能的要求越来越高。针对这一问题,本文研究三相交流永磁同步电机伺服控制系统的设计理论与实验方法。确定被控对象为1.3Kw的表贴式三相交流永磁同步电机,给出电机关键参数,在不同坐标系下建立其数学模型。对比矢量控制和直接转矩控制,选定伺服系统的控制策略为按电机转子磁链定向的矢量控制。结合表贴式永磁同步电机(S PMSM)自身结构特点,选用id=0电流控制方法,实现电流解耦。在自动控制理论的指导下完成伺服系统调节器设计。完整的伺服控制系统包含三闭环设计,分别是电流环、速度环和位置环。其中电流环和转速环调节器设计为PI调节器,合理利用PI调节器的输出限幅及积分分离功能。位置环调节器设计为P调节器以避免出现位置输出超调。三相逆变器采用SVPWM控制方式,该方法具有输出特性好、逆变器直流母线电压利用率高等特点。在Matlab/Simulink里搭建永磁同步电机按转子磁链定向、采用电压空间矢量控制的伺服控制系统仿真平台。完成从构成伺服控制系统的各模块到整个系统的仿真,研究系统的动静态特性,分析控制系统性能跟调节器参数之间的关系,以及系统工作状况变化对伺服控制系统输出的影响。讨论控制系统应对这些问题的方法。根据伺服系统的控制需求设计硬件电路,围绕TI公司的TMS320F28335设计了电流、转速及位置的检测与调理电路。为了提高系统的安全性能以适应工业现场需求,硬件上采用了过流、过压、泄放等保护措施,软硬件结合件实现了电机的软启动。在CCS5.5编译环境下编写电压空间矢量控制的C语言程序并进行调试。本文是结合数控车床需求进行的学习和研究工作,使理论上的研究能更好的服务于实际生产。仿真与实验表明,采用电压源型逆变器的按转子磁链定向矢量控制系统能达能良好的动静态性能,在理论上具有较强的指导作用和研究价值,工程实际中有着广阔的应用前景。图69幅,表6个,参考文献59篇。
[Abstract]:Servo controller is widely used in CNC lathe and so on. The performance of servo controller is becoming more and more important in modern industry. Aiming at this problem, the design theory and experimental method of servo control system for three phase AC permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) are studied in this paper. The surface paste three phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) which is controlled by 1.3Kw is determined. The key parameters of the motor are given and its mathematical model is established in different coordinate systems. Compared with vector control and direct torque control, the control strategy of servo system is vector control based on rotor flux linkage. According to the structural characteristics of surface permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), id=0 current control method is used to realize current decoupling. The servo system regulator is designed under the guidance of automatic control theory. The complete servo control system consists of three closed-loop designs, namely, current loop, speed loop and position loop. The current loop and speed loop regulator are designed as Pi regulators, and the output limiting and integral separation functions of Pi regulators are reasonably utilized. The position loop regulator is designed as a P regulator to avoid position output overshoot. The three-phase inverter adopts SVPWM control mode. This method has good output characteristics and high utilization ratio of DC bus voltage. The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is set up in Matlab/Simulink, and the servo control system simulation platform based on voltage space vector control is adopted. Complete the simulation from the modules of the servo control system to the whole system, study the dynamic and static characteristics of the system, and analyze the relationship between the performance of the control system and the parameters of the regulator. And the influence of the system working condition change on the servo control system output. This paper discusses how the control system can deal with these problems. According to the control requirements of servo system, the hardware circuit is designed, and the current, speed and position detection and conditioning circuit is designed around TI's TMS320F28335. In order to improve the safety performance of the system to meet the needs of the industrial scene, overcurrent, overvoltage, discharge and other protection measures are adopted in the hardware. The soft start of the motor is realized by the hardware and software combination. The C language program of voltage space vector control is written and debugged in CCS5.5 compiling environment. This paper is based on the study and research work of CNC lathe, so that the theoretical research can better serve the actual production. The simulation and experiments show that the voltage source inverter can achieve good static and static performance by rotor flux linkage oriented vector control system, which has a strong guiding role and research value in theory, and has a broad application prospect in engineering practice. 69 figures, 6 tables, 59 references.


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