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发布时间:2018-04-28 02:07

  本文选题:高温超导 + 电能质量 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着全球经济的高速发展、生活水平的日益提升,人们生产、生活对电的需求越来越大,对电能的质量要求也越来越严格。低损耗的输变电、高质量的电网保护是当今社会的热点问题。1913年9月华盛顿召开第三届国际制冷会议上昂内斯首次正式地提出了“超导态”。自1986年被发现至今,高温超导(High Temperature Superconducting, HTS)在能源、电力、医疗、国防、信息等多方面展现出了重要的应用价值。由于高温超导电缆具有近乎无损的输电能力以及高效的传输效率,高温超导电缆在电力传输中对大电流、远距离输电方面发挥重要作用。其中,高温超导交流传输过程中的电能损耗是一个重要的研究课题。 本文首先介绍了高温超导体的基本性质及其应用背景,主要针对高温超导电缆在电力电子方面的实际应用进行研究。介绍高温超导电缆的一般结构和特性;理论推导超导电缆的载流特性,侧重分析超导电缆的交流特性与交流传输的损耗。 其次,推导和计算高温超导电缆的等效电磁效应,通过大量文献查阅和调研,理论推导和实验表明:超导电缆以各导体层的绕向角β、绕制方向a和导体层的半径r为优化对象,利用智能群体优化算法进行参数优化可以有效降低交流损耗。 再次,针对高温超导电缆各导电层中电流分配不均,产生较大的交流损耗,根据前文的理论推导,以各层半径、绕制方向和各导电层的绕向角分别作为待优化对象,以各层电流均衡分布为优化目标建立函数,用超导电缆的机械特性和临界电流等要求作为约束条件,通过改进的果蝇优化方法,对电缆导电层进行结构参数优化,并通过实验证明改进算法的可行性。 最后,就超导电缆在实践中的应用及其发展趋势,简要分析超导电缆的应用领域,并对超导电缆发展进行预测。同时,也指出高温超导电缆的不足。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the global economy and the improvement of living standards, the demand for electricity and the quality of electricity are becoming more and more stringent. Low loss power transmission and high quality power grid protection is a hot issue in the society. In September 1913, the third International Conference on Refrigeration was held in Washington, D.C., for the first time, the "superconducting state" was formally proposed by Annes. Since its discovery in 1986, High Temperature Superconducting (HTSs) has shown great application value in energy, electricity, medical, national defense, information and so on. High temperature superconducting cable (HTS) plays an important role in high current and long distance transmission because of its near lossless transmission capability and high efficiency. Among them, the power loss in high temperature superconducting AC transmission is an important research topic. In this paper, the basic properties and application background of high temperature superconductor are introduced, and the practical application of high temperature superconducting cable in power electronics is studied. This paper introduces the general structure and characteristics of HTS cable, deduces the current carrying characteristics of HTS cable theoretically, and emphasizes on the analysis of AC characteristics and AC transmission loss of HTS cable. Secondly, the equivalent electromagnetic effect of HTS cable is deduced and calculated. Through a large number of references and investigations, the theoretical and experimental results show that the superconducting cable takes the angle 尾 of each conductor layer, the winding direction a and the radius r of the conductor layer as the optimization object. Using the intelligent swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the parameters can effectively reduce the AC loss. Thirdly, in view of the uneven distribution of current in each conductive layer of HTS cable, resulting in a large AC loss, according to the theoretical derivation above, the radius of each layer, the direction of winding and the winding angle of each conducting layer are taken as the objects to be optimized, respectively. Taking the equilibrium distribution of electric current in each layer as the optimization objective, the structural parameters of the conductive layer of the cable are optimized by the improved Drosophila optimization method with the requirements of the superconducting cable such as mechanical characteristics and critical current as the constraint conditions. The feasibility of the improved algorithm is proved by experiments. Finally, the application of superconducting cable in practice and its development trend are briefly analyzed, and the development of superconducting cable is forecasted. At the same time, the deficiency of HTS cable is pointed out.


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